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    1 rok temu

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    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    odebrał nagrodę 20 Robux.
    4 lata temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    odebrał nagrodę 50 Robux.
    4 lata temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    odebrał nagrodę 12 is Better Than 6.
    5 lat temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    odebrał nagrodę Killing Floor 2.
    5 lat temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    5 lat temu

    its just writen on the article in your articles that rejected (spam)

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    5 lat temu

    i wrote an article (review for standoff 2) and really worked on that article and post it and im 100% sure that it was not a spam article but then also it got reported for spam.if you did review my article please tell me how can i fix this to get accepted. If you want the articles i could send it in a thread so you could help me out.

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował temat i did not get my skin!.
    5 lat temu

    yes its been 3 weeks

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował temat i did not get my skin!.
    5 lat temu

    i ordered a csgo skin and it will be almost a month and still i did not get it while it says 24 hours

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Użytkownik i emciokoksik są teraz znajomymi
    5 lat temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    odebrał nagrodę Glock-18 | Oxide Blaze.
    5 lat temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    5 lat temu

    when steam gift cards would be activated?

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował Hungry Dragon: Review.
    5 lat temu

    hmmm its good but few headings.

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Zdobycie 5 poziomu
    5 lat temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował temat Review : Flaming Core.
    5 lat temu

    Flaming core is a fantastic looking arcade game which in my opinion is best for offline experience.If your not having an internet connection or if you are traveling so this is one of the best offline game that you can play on mobile and it's free which is amazing.The graphics are also very cool and unique.The mechanics are also very interesting and most of the people will find it very fun.


    You have five batteries that allow you to hack in the game and have 999 points.You lose certain amounts of points as you die.You collect gems to unlock certain items.You have to drag the core and try to stay away from different types of traps such as blades , spikes, shooting towers and red walls which can kill you.You can bounce on walls from which you can also make angles and tactics to win the game.When you let go of the ball and if you again hold the button you will enter slow motion mode which is great and it helps you a lot to get out of certain situations.Their are different types of levels and each level gets harder and harder with many different traps and helpful materials.Their will be some structures that can be destroyed that can be make as shortcuts or to flank the towers.Their will be boosts, if you stand n them you get extra speed which will help you during the game.

    Image result for flaming core game pics

    Levels :

    Their are a total of four levels and each level have three stages and each stage has multiple maps to complete which is insane.The first level is  Cyber city which is the easiest level and have a robot style look with bluish color and the second one is the Lazer Hell which is a fire type level and has a sick looking orange type color.It is unlocked with 800 gems. The third one is the  Sand Force which is a Egypt and has a sandy look and it unlocks with 1200 gems.The last one is the Electronic level which is a very smooth but very hard level and it has a cool dark green color and it's unlocked with 1500 gems.

    Image result for flaming core game levels pic

    Store :

    The Store have different type of cores and as well as trails. Their are cores which have different type of texture and looks very sick in-game.All the cores are unique and have different abilities such as a core becomes immune to blast damages or the enemies will no longer bounce you back if you are killed.They are unlocked with gems.The trails on the other hand are just for decoration and can be seen when you strike your core and they are also unlocked by gems.Their are different types of trails which looks very coo in-game.

    Events :

    Their are two event modes.First one is challenge mode.it's a type of arena battle mode where yo are in a small type of arena and you have to destroy all the traps without dying.This event has 44 levels and the second one is Bounce mode in which you are given directions and you have to destroy the traps in the same way that you are told to or you will lost the match .This game mode has 22 levels.

    This game is really fun and i hope this article helped you a lot.i did a decent amount of time in this article so i hope this does not gets rejected.You should really try this game out because its a lot of fun and the best thing is that it is offline game which you can play anywhere with out internet.

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował temat CAN WE SELL GAMES.
    6 lat temu

    thank you ranzacado!

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował temat Who have 1000sg.
    6 lat temu

    i have 2819 i am going to save them for 10 dollar steam gift cards for my csgo inventory then i will save soul gems and then i will get call of duty black ops 3 for 9000 soul gems.i daily collect 670 or more sometimes and in total i have 6700 or maybe 7000 i dont really know.Happy xD

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował temat CAN WE SELL GAMES.
    6 lat temu

    Hi guys I have a question that can we sell games that we got from chests that we bought or that we got from daily or monthly chests before we redeem them?

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Skomentował temat Crush Your Enemies:Rewiew.
    6 lat temu

    Ok got bro thx for helping

    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Użytkownik i ShadowKZ są teraz znajomymi
    6 lat temu
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo badge
    KayZeeSlayerCsgo avatar
    Użytkownik i Grim_Zero są teraz znajomymi
    6 lat temu

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