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    jurkon666 Flag cz

    4 lata temu

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    odebrał nagrodę Desert Eagle | Directive.
    4 lata temu
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    odebrał nagrodę Sawed-Off | Limelight.
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    odebrał nagrodę Desert Eagle | Directive.
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    odebrał nagrodę Sawed-Off | Limelight.
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    odebrał nagrodę AK-47 | Uncharted.
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    odebrał nagrodę XM1014 | CaliCamo.
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    odebrał nagrodę XM1014 | CaliCamo.
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    odebrał nagrodę StatTrak™ XM1014 | Slipstream.
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Crossout.
    5 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Crossout.
    5 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Crossout.
    5 lat temu
    jurkon666 badge
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    5 lat temu

    If you are user of this website (well you are, because you are reading this), you probably know, that you can buy chests and earn some game. Also I will be talking about chests with games and not the Robux chest, CS:GO skin chests etc. Btw. I do not want to offend Gamehag by this article.

    If you want to buy chest to win your favourite game like Just Cause 4 or Minecraft, you will notice, that there is always a random steam key, rune or soul gems. They are there to make the users think, that they wont get the game they wanted. Chest are like lotteries, there is a very small chance to win the jackpot, but you will probably lose. Another similarity is, that if you fail to win game in chest, you will win something, that does not have the price of the chest, so you lose money. In lottery it is the same, you want to win the jackpot (let's say a 1 million dollars), but you will win only a few dollars or even worse, nothing. There is a 99 % chance, that you will win that DAMN steam key, that gives you some cheap game. I really do not want to offend the guys, that make these games, but random steam key will give you game that normally costs 0,99 dollars. That is some lose of money. I know, if Gamehag would just make bigger chances for winning, it would be a lose of money for them, so do not really blame Gamehag for these chances. So do not buy chest, because you can win them, if you will fulfill the conditions. It is not that hard to log in 7 days in a row or collect some soul gems in the given amount of time.
    You can still get your games by different ways:
    - Do a quest
    - Write an article
    - Be active on forums
    - Comment
    - Play Minigames
    I know, that I am just saying exactly the things, that Misty says in tutorials, but if you want something, you must work hard to get it. Life is not easy, because we live in a capitalist world (I am not saying, that some other regime would be better, but if the scientists would be our leaders (technocracy), the world could be better). You cannot trust someone, that he can give you something for a much lower price and much lower amount of work. Chests maybe sound awesome at the first time, but if you can think critically, you will notice, that there is something wrong with this. With critical questions like: ,,Does it really work?´´ or ,,Do they want to trick us?´´ and a few minutes of googling, you will find out, that the chance of winning is miserable. I really like this website, but now I will say ,, Do not buy chest with games, because they are a scam!´´.  

    I think, that I said enough, so thanks for reading this article. I know, that this article sounds really offensive, but really I LOVE Gamehag. Also I am sorry for some grammar mistakes, I live in Czech republic and Google translate kinda helped me with this article, but we all know, that Google translate is not perfect. So Bye!

    jurkon666 badge
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    5 lat temu

    Why is date so important?

    jurkon666 badge
    jurkon666 avatar
    5 lat temu

    I tried that, but Gamehag didnt accept the screenshot

    jurkon666 badge
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    5 lat temu

    Cause IDK where to find it

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    odebrał nagrodę Spore PC GLOBAL.
    5 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    5 lat temu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry War Thunder.
    5 lat temu
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    Wziął udział w konkursie i wygrał Random CD-Key
    5 lat temu
    jurkon666 badge
    jurkon666 avatar
    wykonał zadanie do gry My Free Zoo.
    5 lat temu


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