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    1 rok temu


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    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


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    Hugo567 badge
    Hugo567 avatar
    Skomentował temat guide for state of survival.
    1 rok temu

    "State of Survival" is a popular mobile strategy game developed by KingsGroup Holdings. In the game, players must build and defend their own settlement in a post-apocalyptic world while battling zombies and other players. Here's a guide to help you get started and succeed in the game:


    1. Base Building:

    • Start by upgrading your headquarters to unlock new buildings and features.
    • Focus on resource buildings (Farms, Lumber Mills, Oil Wells, and Iron Mines) to ensure a steady supply of resources.
    • Build and upgrade other structures like the Training Camp, Barracks, and Hospital to train troops and heal wounded soldiers.

    2. Research:

    • Invest in the research facility to unlock various technologies that boost your base's efficiency, troop strength, and resource production.
    • Prioritize research that enhances troop combat stats and resource production early on.

    3. Heroes:

    • Collect and upgrade heroes. They are essential for leading your troops into battles and providing various bonuses.
    • Equip gear and weapons on your heroes to make them more powerful.
    • Activate hero skills wisely during combat to gain an advantage.

    4. Troops:

    • Train a variety of troop types to be versatile in different combat scenarios.
    • Keep your troop count balanced between infantry, ranged, and cavalry units.
    • Participate in daily challenges and events to earn rewards and recruit special event troops.

    5. Combat:

    • Engage in PVE battles to earn rewards and experience. Clear infected zones to gather resources.
    • Join alliances to team up with other players for PVE and PVP battles.
    • Protect your base with defensive structures like walls, traps, and turrets.

    6. Alliances:

    • Join an alliance for protection, support, and additional benefits.
    • Coordinate with alliance members to participate in alliance events and earn rewards.
    • Contribute to your alliance by donating resources and participating in alliance technology research.

    7. Events:

    • Participate in various in-game events to earn valuable rewards.
    • Pay attention to daily and weekly events, as they often offer great bonuses.

    8. Resources:

    • Manage your resources efficiently. Raid resource tiles on the map, trade with other players, and complete missions to obtain them.
    • Use resource items wisely to accelerate building and research progress.

    9. Strategy:

    • Plan your development carefully. Prioritize what's most important for your current situation.
    • Adapt your strategy based on the evolving game environment and challenges.

    10. In-Game Purchases: - Be cautious with in-game purchases. While they can speed up progress, it's possible to enjoy the game without spending money.

    11. Stay Active: - Log in daily to collect rewards, complete tasks, and participate in events. - Stay engaged with the game community to learn from other players and get tips.

    Remember that "State of Survival" is an evolving game, and strategies may change over time with updates and balancing changes. Keep an eye on the in-game announcements and community forums for the latest information and strategies.

    Hugo567 badge
    Hugo567 avatar
    1 rok temu
    Hugo567 badge
    Hugo567 avatar
    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    1 rok temu


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