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    4 lata temu


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    findefaulted badge
    findefaulted avatar
    Skomentował temat The game is okay.
    4 lata temu

    I don't really understand how anyone would be mean. I haven't seen anyone write anything at any of my matches and I've played almost 100 already.

    The game also requires some though put into building your vehicles in order to avoid being destroyed rightaway. Make sure you shoot the enemy guns first as they can't kill you if they don't have weapons.
    I'm currently at 58 wins out of 98 battles so this seems like a solid strategy.

    findefaulted badge
    findefaulted avatar
    Skomentował temat Is it worth to play?.
    4 lata temu

    The game is rather fun. Lot's of options to modify your car. There's some variation to the PVE matches, but I prefer PVP (which I usually don't)

    findefaulted badge
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    Skomentował temat Any other car combst games? .
    4 lata temu

    You'll have better luck looking at single player experiences then. Mad Max is a good choice, but it's not car only. Hard Truck Apocalypse might be a great choice.

    findefaulted badge
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Crossout.
    4 lata temu
    findefaulted badge
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Crossout.
    4 lata temu
    findefaulted badge
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Crossout.
    4 lata temu
    findefaulted badge
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Crossout.
    4 lata temu
    findefaulted badge
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    Skomentował temat Why did they drop dx9 support? .
    4 lata temu

    This is from their official statement:

    Greetings to all Survivors!

    As we all know, progress never stands still. You can even see it in the post-apocalyptic world of the Wasteland, what can we say about the real world? Our project is no exception, and we strive to offer players a high-quality and modern game full of opportunities.

    From July 1, we plan to stop supporting DirectX 9 in Crossout. The latest version of DirectX 9 came out as far back as 2004, and we believe that it's time to abandon its support for the sake of further development of the game. After the support stops, you will no longer be able to launch Crossout using DirectX 9. At the moment, according to our data, the vast majority of Crossout players already use DirectX 11.

    What will the end of DirectX 9 support yield? Many new opportunities to improve the graphics component of the game, more stable work of the client (since all our efforts will be concentrated only on support for DirectX 11), as well as getting rid of various limitations imposed by the outdated DirectX 9. As an example: we remember your numerous questions about the limitation on the number of stickers that can be attached to the armored car at the same time. We plan that some time after the end of DirectX 9 support this unfortunate restriction will be removed, and in the future you will be able to change the appearance of your armored cars the way you want to.

    Please note! In order to find out which version of DirectX your game client is using at the moment, you can use the key F11 directly in the game. The number after ‘D3D’ will be the version of DirectX used by the game. To hide this information, press F11 a few more times.

    How to switch the DirectX version in Crossout?
    To do this, you need to complete a few simple steps:

    After starting the game Launcher you need to go to the settings (the spanner icon in the upper right corner of the window).
    In the window that opens, in the ‘Graphics API’ field you need to select DirectX

    findefaulted badge
    findefaulted avatar
    Skomentował temat is this game still played ?.
    4 lata temu

    I gave it a try and matches usually took around 20 seconds to start, so seems like there's quite a lot of people playing. The queue times might get longer when trying to join games with better vehicles.

    There's also some single player activities that seem quite fun.

    findefaulted badge
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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    4 lata temu
    findefaulted badge
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    Skomentował World of Warships.
    4 lata temu

    World of Warships is pretty fun if you like simulation like warfare.
    The game is extremely low paced and you might not even get to do anything during a match if you take your time in the beginning, so this is not a game for people who are impatient.

    findefaulted badge
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    Skomentował Naruto Online.
    4 lata temu

    Seems like gamehag by default tries to reject tasks without considering first.
    I leveled up straight to 30~ and then took a screenshot which ended up being rejected as it wasn't a new account. Certainly haven't played this ever before and registered yesterday.

    I wonder if tasks will be approved more often after losing the Magic Shield...


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