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    Hello whoever you may be. Whether you're a hard rock-solid fan of hoi4 (like me) or you came here thinking whatever the hell this is, is actually quite interesting, I try to make this as self-explanatory as possible so everyone can fully understand everything I'm saying. Anyway, this is a hoi4 article about which country is better used for the base hoi4 game: The UK or The Third Reich. Hope you enjoy!

    First of all, we talk about the manpower of these two powerhouses of countries. If you know a lot about history, then you'd know that The UK doesn't specify its countries power into its military, it puts a lot of its GDP into its navy, which we'll talk about later. Anywho, we're here to talk about the manpower, for now, so we're going to start off with Germany's manpower. Germany's base (start) manpower is 30 and it consists of: 
    --24 Infantry divisions
    -1 Motorized division
    -1 Mountain division
    -1 Cavalry division
    -3 Light Tank divisions
    Now, this may not seem like enough for world domination to you, but Germany's possible land area for military factories is approximately 100,000km bigger than the UK's, and this allows Germany's manpower to grow at an extremely alarming rate and THAT is what makes it so the world could be conquered by The German Reich themselves. This is also why The United Socialist Soviet Republics (also known as the USSR or the Soviet Union) since their land area was immensely bigger than everyone else's, other than the UK themselves, but even THEY couldn't build factories in some places since they were spread all around the earth in various different climates. There is also a different type of power in the world of hoi4 though, and that is called having naval superiority.

    Having an extremely strong navy (also known as having naval superiority) is also quite important though, as it allows someone with higher manpower than you to be confused since you escaped from the mainland and carried on fighting somewhere else or it allows your army to travel across boats onto the opponent's mainland and that gives you an opportunity to invade from a different, sometimes even unexpected angle and catch your opponent off guard and get to their capital faster. As I was talking about earlier, The UK has the strongest navy by FAR, with a whopping 13% of its whole GDP sinking into the protection of their island. However, this is quite understandable since they're a very strong island which gives pretty much any country an opportunity to naval invade from any side, so the UK uses their navy for mostly self-defense but they can also use it for naval invasions of others or it can also be used for supplying other countries in need of food or weapons in the middle of an intense war. You can also build naval factories, which means that the countries with big coastlines or large land area can also have quite a good navy too.

    I would say that having manpower is more important though since Germany's navy isn't THAT much worse than the UK's and that manpower can impact a military a lot so if they ever start fighting again it would be easier to take down, but the UK's manpower is A LOT less than Germany's since it doesn't specify its power into its manpower but Germany does, Germany's military is massive because of this and it can weaken a country to the point when it can't  even fight anymore and it becomes 10x more easy to defeat. Take my advice about this important choice, CHOOSE GERMANY IF YOU WANT WORLD DOMINATION! 
    ( i am not trying to imply anything about real-life it's only in the game :D)

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