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    4 lata temu

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    Skomentował temat Warframe Guide.
    4 lata temu

    In this guide I will show you how you could start and progress in Warframe.

    Ok. You downloaded Warframe and run trough the tutorial ? That´s good. When I was at that point in the game, I litterally didn´t knew what to do at first. Obviously you could do all of the missions that are avaible for you and get some of that we all want- loot. But I really wouldn´t recommend that. I would suggest that do the missions straight to the venus junction. when completing the missions from the beginning to the junction you should have completed all the requirements to try your best in the junction, fighting a mini boss who isn´t really hard to defeat. After you unlocked Venus you should do the folowing misions: "E-gate", "Tessera", "Venera" and "Aphrodite". Then you unlock the mission "Fossa" wich includes a fight against a boss called Jackal.

    When you defeat him, which shouln´t be hard if you got a good group, he will drop a Rhino Systems, Rhino chassis or a Rhino neuroptic. If you collect all of them and allready bought a Rhino blueprint in the marked, you are able to build the Warframe Rhino.

    In my opinion he is the best Warframe you can get in the beginning of the game. That´s because he can make himself invulnerable (second ability) which makes it easyer for new players to escape out of critical situations. Another very helpfull ability of him is his fouth one, which throws enemys in the aiir and stuns them (does not stuns a boss). With Rhino in your arsenal  you can actually do all the missions you want to. Other Warframes that are good for new player are Valkyr, which can make herself invulnerable too (Themisto/Jupiter) or Ember (Tethys/Saturn). Ember can make a ring of fire beneeth her, which damage boost your allies and burns your enemies. As weapons you can choose whatever you´d like to use. I think bows aren´t very good for new players, because you need to aim very good and a fully automatic rifle would be way better (fire rate, new player friendly). but as I said, it´s your opinion and you should choose after your personal preferance. The "relays" you can find on different planets are a social hub, where you can meet friends, make new firend, trade items with other players or just show your beautifull warframe. The so called "fashion framing" are very expensive and is the ed game part of the game. What I mean wtih that is that you need to buy attachments, glowing sticker (regalia) and capes with real money.
    An example for this "fashion framing" is my Warframe Nidus:


    But I dont want to go into detail, because its, as I said a bit expensive and this is just a beginner guide.
    I thnk this should be okay for a beginner gude. I´m sorry if I forgot something important, but I dint think so. I hope you liked my short article about Warframe and found it helpfull. 

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