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    odebrał nagrodę StatTrak™ AK-47 | Elite Build.
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    odebrał nagrodę StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Moonrise.
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    odebrał nagrodę Steam Wallet 10€.
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    wykonał zadanie do gry Harvest Land.
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    Użytkownik i alxander_ronlado są teraz znajomymi
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    Użytkownik i veggielirious są teraz znajomymi
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    odebrał nagrodę P90 | Asiimov.
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    Skomentował temat Why isn't the first task working?.
    4 lata temu

    Like they should have sample screenshots to see what picture to take instead of wasting our time betting on if we took the right one or not then having to wait another day for the task to be accepted.

    DatsColdMate badge
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    Skomentował temat Why isn't the first task working?.
    4 lata temu

    Ive already done everything and I keep getting rejected maybe its just me but can someone upload a sample screenshot maybe we are taking the wrong one idk.

    DatsColdMate badge
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    4 lata temu

    Have you ever wondered which starting pistol is better? 
    Well in this article we're going to find out whether the Counter-Terrorists USP-S or the Terrorists GLOCK-18 beginner pistols are better.

    CS:GO Stats | USP-S weapon guide and skins gallery!  Glock-18 | Counter-Strike Wiki | Fandom
    Counter-Terrorists USP-S                                                Terrorists GLOCK-18

    • Both starter pistols
    • Both allow you the same movement speed when taken out
    • Both cost 200$
    • Same accuracy when both guns are in semi-auto

    • GLOCK-18 has a magazine clip of 20/120 bullets, while the USP-S has a magazine clip of 12/24 bullets
    • GLOCK-18 had a reload speed of 2.27 seconds, with the USP-S having a reload speed of 2.2 seconds
    • The GLOCK-18 also has 2 rates of fire with it having a semi-auto and a burst
    • GLOCK-18 is the starter pistol for the Terrorist side, with the USP-S being the starter pistol for the Counter-Terrorist side

    With the GLOCK-18 although it does have more bullets, and multiple rates of fire its armor penetration isn't very strong as a shot to the head won't kill when the enemy opponent has head armor, while on the other hand with the USP-S and its lesser amount of bullets a shot to the head will kill the enemy opponent. Furthermore, with this known information the GLOCK-18 is primarily for those who don't have as good of a aim as the extra bullets compensates for that while the USP-S is more for the skilled players who play CSGO as with less bullets they must hit more of their shots whether it be the body or head.

    GLOCK-18 Tactics:
    So with this information about the GLOCK the way to play with this certain pistol is to try and overwhelm the CT side as with their limited amount of bullets they need to be very accurate with their shots, while for the T side and their GLOCKS they are able to then run it down and push forward with their extra amount of bullets. As well as the GLOCKS run and gun play style can also be seen with their use of burst fire in which although since its not very accurate it shoots multiple bullets at once which are then very useful in taking down closer ranged enemies who are already injured, rather than having to hit a head shot to ensure the kill.

    USP-S Tactics:
    And with the CT side in order to conserve the amount of limited bullets they have rather than going in spraying they must aim for the head and use their bullets sparingly in order to not have to reload constantly and possibly get caught off guard which would then lead to a very uncomfortable situation.

    And so all together, these 2 pistols are based on perspective and different play styles with the GLOCK being more suited for those who like to have more of an aggressive play style who run in guns blazing while the USP-S is for those who enjoy playing with a more methodical play style who enjoy to take their time and aim for the head to ensure an insta kill. 


    DatsColdMate badge
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    Skomentował Wizard 101.
    4 lata temu

    Wizard 101 is a great game that to this day is aging very well.

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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
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    Skomentował temat USP or Glock?.
    4 lata temu

    Which is better the USP or the Glock for pistols?

    DatsColdMate badge
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    4 lata temu

    Dope really informational :)

    DatsColdMate badge
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    4 lata temu

    The cool down is only for people who haven't completed the first 10 games to get a rank.

    DatsColdMate badge
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    Skomentował temat Is the Deagle broken rn ?.
    4 lata temu

    With the new Deagle buff what do you guys think?

    DatsColdMate badge
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    Skomentował temat The best weapon.
    4 lata temu

    Ak-47 but ngl the Deagle is broken af rn.

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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
    4 lata temu


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