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    DanealoBeats Flag lt

    4 lata temu


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    Brak przedmiotów w ekwipunku


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    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    Skomentował temat Tasks not completing?.
    4 lata temu

    if it shows a clock and says: your quest needs a vertification, then just wait. for the first quest it takes a WHILE for them process and verificate the task. but if your doing the second or third then i don't know, i got accepted.

    and ye it takes a while, and it's pretty long. from 20 - 30 minutes to 48 hours.

    If you don't really like waiting then what you should (that i do) is:
    send that you did a task, and play another game and do they're tasks. (i did it with war thunder and neverwinter)

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    Skomentował War Thunder.
    4 lata temu

    Well i thought i wouldn't like the game, but i tried it and it's actually very catchy. Love it, might actually play it for a long time. The only problem about the game is that you sometimes can get killed if you don't upgrade your gear and all. But overall, this game is AMAZING. 10/10

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    Skomentował Neverwinter.
    4 lata temu

    Well I'm more of a FPS person, but MMORPG games are my second favourite. And playing this one is actually pretty good, since you rarely see any MMORPG that have this type of gameplay or quality.

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    wykonał zadanie do gry War Thunder.
    4 lata temu
    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    wykonał zadanie do gry War Thunder.
    4 lata temu
    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    Skomentował temat 3rd task warthunder.
    4 lata temu

    I think you can do the tutorials and they'll give you GE's.

    DanealoBeats badge
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    Użytkownik i petrenko2005 są teraz znajomymi
    5 lat temu
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    odebrał nagrodę 2 Robux.
    5 lat temu
    DanealoBeats badge
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    odebrał nagrodę 5 Robux.
    5 lat temu
    DanealoBeats badge
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    odebrał nagrodę 20 Robux.
    5 lat temu
    DanealoBeats badge
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    Użytkownik i MariaKel są teraz znajomymi
    5 lat temu
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    odebrał nagrodę 10 Robux.
    5 lat temu
    DanealoBeats badge
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
    5 lat temu
    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    5 lat temu

    This game sounds very cool. My two friends are very addicted to this game, they play it thru lessons and always when they have free time. Nice Job on completing the article.

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    5 lat temu

    Nice article.
    I have sanctum for a long time. really like it. It's similar to a game like BTD (balloon tower defense) and I thought it would be boring, but now I read this article and kinda wanna play it.

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    5 lat temu

    aghhh.. bloodborne.. one my favourite games (like dark souls, borderlands and overwatch, and assassin's creed) I really love this game. It's difficult, dark and challenging. Just like dark souls or demon souls

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    Skomentował Assassin's Creed Unity.
    5 lat temu

    Assassin's Creed is like one of my favorite game series (next to borderlands). Really love the game. This Article really helps me out, cause i haven't played Unity yet.

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    5 lat temu

    Nice work, I really started loving Dark Souls (I, II and III), and other games that are similar to it (bloodborne, demon souls and other). My friend is a master at this game, he almost knows every detail and everything. When i saw him play, i got curious and wanted to play it too. I had played it a few times, but I wasn't the best at it. but i still love the gameplay, the quality and the challenge. Dark Souls might be the Hardest game i've ever known.

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    5 lat temu

    Good review. This is like one of my friends and my favourite 2D platform shooter game. Like we always used to play it when me and two of my friends come. like we rage a lot, but we have lots of fun. mostly when we get the most op characters ever (terminator, the bomb guy and chuck norris, and maybe the twins and the matrix guy).

    DanealoBeats badge
    DanealoBeats avatar
    5 lat temu

    I really love this game. Since Jacksepticeye played it, i started to play this game too, it's super fun, with all the stories, travelling and other stuff

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