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    odebrał nagrodę Amazon $1 Gift Card US.
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    odebrał nagrodę Amazon.com Gift Card 5,00 USD.
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    Użytkownik i NINJA832789 są teraz znajomymi
    3 lata temu
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    3 lata temu

    Thank you very much for your article. This actually sounds like the kind of game I would like.

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    3 lata temu

    Thank you for your article, I leanred some new things, and nice images too.

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    3 lata temu

    Thank you for your article, and also for adding some nice images.

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    3 lata temu

    Thanks for the article. I'd like to tell a joke now: "Stanley bought 2 bulls. I like to call them the Stanley parables (pair-of-bulls)". 😁

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    3 lata temu

    Thank you for your article. I have never played any of the Dark Souls games, but the plot and story sound fascinating.

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    3 lata temu

    Thank you for your article. This is a game I am really interested in.

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    Skomentował Hatch - game review..
    3 lata temu

    Thanks for your article, this looks like an unusual style of game, which can be an interesting change.

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    3 lata temu

    Thanks for your article. It's a nice concise presentation of a specific topic, with helpful images.

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    3 lata temu

    Thank you for your very nice article. You provided some great images. I believe that first-person perspective can make horror games even scarier than usual.

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    3 lata temu

    That you for your article. I had not been aware of thise game before. It sounds like an interesting story.

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    Skomentował Moe Era - review..
    3 lata temu

    Thanks for your article and review. The images were nice. I haven't decided yet if I'm interested in this game though.

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    3 lata temu

    Thank you for your article. Informative images as well. A "ranged juggernaut", that almost seems like an oxymoron to me, lol.

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    3 lata temu

    Thank you for your article. The story actually kind of sounds fun. Nice images too.

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    Skomentował Super Meat Boy review.
    3 lata temu

    Thank you for this article. You covered a lot of important points. I'm fine with cartoony graphics, yet based on how hard you say this game is, I'm not sure it is the right thing for me.

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    3 lata temu

    Thanks for your article. I like seeing people's all-time favorite games explained, since it means those games are good enough to have a huge impact on someone.

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    3 lata temu

    Wow, thank you very much for your review here. Such fabulous graphics, and amazing sounding story too.

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    3 lata temu

    I'd like to thank you very much for your article. I like hidden object games, and the images of this one look especially nice, even for a HOG.


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