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    3 lata temu

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    BlueBliss404 badge
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    odebrał nagrodę StatTrak™ AUG | Triqua.
    4 lata temu
    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę StatTrak™ AUG | Triqua.
    4 lata temu
    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    odebrał nagrodę Spintires PC GLOBAL.
    4 lata temu
    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    4 lata temu

    I didn't love this game at all. I am just playing it to get my task done. 🙂

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował Slither.io - Basics.
    4 lata temu

    I used to play this game a lot. Maybe I will start playing it again soon. A good article about a good game.❤

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował Helltaker - review.
    4 lata temu

    I don't really love this game but the article is really nice. Keep up the good work.❤

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował PUBG Mobile.
    4 lata temu

    PUBG Mobile has a lot of hackers which is ruining the experience of gamers. Besides, there are a few bugs that should be fixed.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował War Robots.
    4 lata temu

    I never played this game. I have watched some gameplays on YouTube and I have no plans to play this game in the future.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował Black Butterfly.
    4 lata temu

    I love these types of horror games. The game has excellent graphics and storyline. Overall, it is a great game.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    4 lata temu

    I didn't enjoy playing this game at all. The story could be better.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował Serious Sam 3 review.
    4 lata temu

    The Serious Sam series is my all-time favorite. Every Serious Sam game is a masterpiece from the beginning to the end.❤

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował ShellShockers review.
    4 lata temu

    You should add more pictures next time. Is this game Free-to-Play?

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    4 lata temu

    Have you ever heard about the Wolf Brothers? The story of them is full of sorrow and pain. But the Wolf Brothers have never gave up and proved the power of brotherhood. Let's go on a journey with the Wolf Brothers and learn more about them.

    Life is Strange 2 is a single-player game. The storyline of this game flows based on the decisions made by you. Life is Strange 2 released for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. This game was developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix. Besides, Feral Interactive developed and published the Linux and macOS version of this game. The price of the complete game is 24.95 USD in Steam. There are five episodes of the game. The name of the episodes of the game are below:
    • Episode 4: Faith.
    • Episode 3: Wastelands.
    • Episode 2: Rules.
    • Episode 1: Roads.
    • Episode 5: Wolves.


    The story of the game depends on your decisions and actions. Here, the main character you play as is a 15 years old boy, Sean. He has a little brother Daniel. They used to live in Seattle with their father, Esteban. Their mother left them when they were kids. Everything was going fine until their father passed away due to a gunshot. The police suspected the two boys, that's why they had to run away. They went to various places and met different people. They had a pet that was killed by a cougar. On their way, they found out that Daniel has supernatural powers. They were helpless so, they went to their grandparents home. But, they had to leave soon as the police knew they were there. Then, they started working at a weed farm. In the last episode, Sean lost his brother, but with the help of his mother, he found him again. That's all about the journey of the Wolf Brothers.



    Life is Strange 2 is a single-player adventure game. The game has five episodes, and each of these episodes are full of mysteries twists. The story of this game flows on the decisions you make. Every taken action has an opposite reaction, so choose wisely. The game is similar to the Walking Dead Series, but the story is different. The gameplay of this game is very much smooth. The graphics are better than most other story-based games. Besides, the sound effects of the game are praiseworthy. The voices of the characters and other things are very much pure. Moreover, the storyline of the game is unique and fabulous. The game is a masterpiece without any doubts.



    Ratings :

    From the very beginning, this game is facing positive reviews and ratings. Many YouTubers loved this game and suggested to buy it. The rating of this game is given below:

    • GameSpot: 8/10
    • Steam: 9/10
    • Metacritic: 70%

    Personal Experience:

    Life is Strange 2 is undoubtedly a masterpiece. The concept of this game is outstanding, and this game will remain as one of the best story games. I would recommend this game to every story lover gamers and rate it out of 10.


    Thanks for reading this article to the end. If you have liked the article please leave a comment and rating. Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you.

    - BlueBliss404

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    4 lata temu

    I loved the formatting of this article.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował temat Question about leveling .
    4 lata temu

    Yes, after reaching a new level you will receive two things. The first one is a new Rank and the second one is a small number of Soul Gems.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował temat Same game but different article..
    4 lata temu

    I have seen many articles related to the same game in Gamehag. But the topic of the articles is different. For example Aion - Review and Aion - Guide. These two articles are on the same game but have a different topic. So, yes it is possible to write an article about the same game but the topic should be new.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował Forager honest review .
    4 lata temu

    The format of this article is good. I enjoyed reading this article from the beginning to the end.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował Planet Zoo-review.
    4 lata temu

    The graphics of this game is praiseworthy. Besides, the gameplay is very enjoyable. Overall it is a great game. I would rate it 10 out of 10.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    Skomentował Rocket League, review.
    4 lata temu

    Rocket League is still one of the best multiplayer games available in Steam. I used to play this game a lot and will soon start again.

    BlueBliss404 badge
    BlueBliss404 avatar
    4 lata temu

    Brutal Legend doesn't deserve to be on number 2. GTA San Andreas is my all-time favorite.

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