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    odebrał nagrodę Steam Wallet $5.
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    Zdobycie 5 poziomu
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    Użytkownik i mrkingraul są teraz znajomymi
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    Skomentował temat War Thunder: The Grind.
    7 lat temu

    War Thunder is a Free to Play tank and plane war simulator that throws the players into perspective of pilots and commanders, controlling their vehicle to fight and go through realistic war simulations. This game offers very early tanks and planes to new players, and depending on how well they do in battle, gives research towards their next vehicle. Many people complain about this feature because of how grindy it becomes later on. 
    I found War Thunder on the free to play section of Steam, I was quickly intrigued by the iconic tanks and planes of WW2. I downloaded the game and was ecstatic to play my first games, shooting ground targets and planes. I quickly got a couple new vehicles through my preformance in game. Once I reached about the end or Rank 2. I quickly saw how much monger it took, to research another vehicle. Any Rank 1 vehcile ranges from 1k - 6k research, which is practically nothing in one battle, but at the end of rank 2, it goes to about 15k. Now it doesnt take a ridiculous amount of time, to get to something like that, but the minute, you get to the end of Rank 3, is where things start to feel impossible. 60k, almost 4 times then the previous rank, and only half way to the last vehicle. It starts to demoralize the feeling of having new vehicles and the length it takes to reach them. Despite, the fact that in Rank 4 it only increases more, it is all, in reach. What many people complain about is the grind, but what many people forget, is that it is still IN REACH. If you continue to play war thunder, you WILL reach it. Although it takes about a week or even more, it is POSSIBLE, and it is a FREE game that has all of this gameplay accessible for no price. I have reached Rank 5 planes, which takes about over 1 million research each plane, but I always remember how everything is in reach in this game, and as long as you have fun, and improve your skill, you can reach everything in the game. 

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    wykonał zadanie do gry Desert Operations.
    7 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 3 poziomu
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    wykonał zadanie do gry IMVU.
    7 lat temu
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    Zdobycie 2 poziomu
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    Skomentował temat World OF Tanks BUt Downgraded..
    7 lat temu

    Completly wrong, Tanks are not bad in this, and they require a lot of skill to play and be able to angel, move, and position yourself. Yes the grind is hard, but that has nothing to do with the gameplay.


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