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    MrRiddick, 27 november 2017 16:38

    Review: Battleborn

    I didn't feel like playing a MOBA during my experience, but much more a FPS. Battleborn is a quite strange attempt at mixing genres. The first contact you will have with the game is also the best. Incredible introduction, excellent music choice, it is neat.

    Trust me, I really tried to love this game


    Nothing really incredible on that side, can be fun to co-op with friends. Sadly, I wasn't able to. With only eight missions available, the story mode isn't the most entertaining nor re-playable part of that game. Very classic, you are destroying different elements, killing enemies for a good 30 minutes before finally getting to the boss. Really, nothing incredible.

    Otherwise, the characters are great, funny, have an incredible personality, graphics are comic-fun and the atmosphere remind you of an attempt to be Borderlands2. 


    One of the fun experience of Battleborn, is leveling up. Every new level, you will be asked to pick an improvement to one of the skill you already possess making you a little stronger everytime. It might go from changing your attack to boosting your stats or variations of the skills to finally unlock an ultimate once lvl 5.

    I would say that the FOV is a major issue in this game, your weapon seem to be taking more than 50% of your entire screen, making impossible to see other details or to pay attention to other stuff happening in game. You feel that element especially well in multiplayer. 


    I believe there is only 3 different kind of map/modes to play multiplayer in Battleborn. A Conquest mode : capturing locations, Incursion (most moba element) : advancing your minions to push lanes, and finally Fusion who takes a big chunk of inspiration from Smite apparently. But I believe the worst part of multiplayer is how weak Battleborn makes you feel. You can crit, head shot, and attack enemies, it is barely worth the effort as they will barely receive any damage.

    Overall, I won't make a big description out of the multiplayer for the simple and good reason that, it is not really novative and take elements from Dota, LoL, Smite and so on. Furthermore, it is important to mention that the population of this game is very low, creating queue times that will last forever and resulting in a matchmaking absolutely not balanced (I just lost a game 500-20, I know i'm Unskilled, but still).

    Finally I would recommend to buy this game only for dirt-cheap, with a friend to only play the Story in coop mode.


    • Ambiance
    • Graphics / Art
    • Intro video
    • Coop


    • No population
    • Short
    • FOV is terrible
    • Multiplayer unbalanced
    • Queues are forever

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