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    Rate this article "[REVIEW] - [FtP] Emily is away "

    (3.67/5) 3 ratings
    Matryovsk, 13 october 2017 04:32

    [REVIEW] - [FtP] Emily is away

    Who hasn't loved someone once and this person wasn't able to return this love or friendship?

    Well, this person is Emily. 

            This game was released for free on steam in 2015, and since then, has breaked so many hearts that neither the platform can count - I'm one of this numbers.         

             Remember when you lost hours and hours on Windows Live Messenger (MSN) talking with your friends -and crush? This game is about that: you are one person who sign in a chat using your lovely (he had a charm) Windows XP and start a conversation with a friend. 

            The stetic of this game reminds the AOL Instant Messenger too, but his gameplay is all about  Visual novels: you will have 3 options of answer her in the chat and according that, the story will flow. Since the beggining  you will interact with the game and his features: you can choose your nickname who will appear on chat screen, can choose your avatar and even check your friends statuses!

          The thing is: you will do EVERYTHING to date her! You know that friend who starts to get too close to you and you start to like him? Thats the deal: she will steal your heart and in the end, only pieces will remain... even though you are aware that it is just a game you will be kinda sad in the end.
           This game is about the personification of that person you loved once and for some reason, has left you
    ; or that friend who meet someone else and had left you behind. You will make everything to try to change the unalterable: the time, who will naturally -or not- separate us from persons that we love.

         This game have a great storyline and have the mostly positive reviews on steam, but his free to play version is too short: something about 1 hour of gameplay. Of course he has a paid version but in my opinion, everyone should play the free version to understand what I'm talking about.

    Rate this article [REVIEW] - [FtP] Emily is away

    (3.67/5) 3 ratings


    bro emily really sucked

    9 january 2021 12:15