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    Rate this article "Humble Reviews: Dragon's Age: Origins"

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    thefruit, 2 august 2017 23:22

    Humble Reviews: Dragon's Age: Origins

    The Darkspawn are upon us and you are the only one capable of defeating them. Will you be able to lead your companions to victory or will the world as we know it end?

    Published in 2009 by EA and developed by the famed Bioware, DA:O (Dragon's Age: Origins) is a RPG set in the fictional world of Ferelden. It was the first game of the series and the most critically acclaimed one. The game has a great story and characters but the combat system of the game is rather bland. Of course as any other RPG you're able to choose the race (human, elf and dwarf), the class (warrior, rogue, mage) and the origin of the character, meaning you an be a Noble Human from one of the oldest lines in Ferelden, a Commoner Dwarf or maybe a Elf Mage in the Circle of Magi. Every origin brings about a tragedy that will the plot in motion. This is bound to get the player invested in the game as it gives some kind of personal drive.Let's talk a bit about Ferelden now shall we? Ferelden is a very big and intricate kingdom built on intrigues and war. Not even a few decades ago Ferelden was unde the control of the Empire of Orlais who have oppressed the Fereldan folk. It barely had enoug time to lick it's wounds but now a new war awaits them. The archedemon was awakened and the Blight has begun. The armies of Ferelden gather at Ostagar for a last glorious fight. The famed Grey Wardens are also there, with you being their newest recruit. And..wow i'm kinda getting ahead of myself ain't I? Well the rest of the game is for you to discover.
    :great and intricate story, lively characters and places, many choices when it comes to character customization,good DLCs, many gameplay hours 
    Cons: bland combat system, not for anyone
     I give it 9/10 

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    One of the best RPG of later years

    20 april 2020 22:28