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    Rate this article "How to Earn Gold Quickly in Elder Scrolls Online"

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    Kermadec, 29 september 2017 14:49

    How to Earn Gold Quickly in Elder Scrolls Online

    So you've just created you first character. He/She's perfect. Looks just like the hero/villian/mercenary/master thief/assassin you were always meant to be. Well, except for the lack of cashflow...I mean, you can't say you're succesful without a lot of money...right?

    Well I have been playing this game like the filthy role-playing casual I am until recently, when I realised how much more fun it'd be if I was stinking filthy rich...or at least moderately wealthy. So I've compiled a few tips that have helped me gain some moola casually (and quite ?grindally?) while out exploring Tamriel.

    This is my preffered method of gaining cashflow as it doesn't mess with the overall gameplay and/or roleplaying aspects by being grindy. It is a lot slower though.
    1.) Join a trading guild. Anyone will do really, as long as they have a guild trader you're all good.
    2.) Download and activate a merchant addon...I personally use MasterMerchant. You can get it here: http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info928-MasterMerchant.html
    3.) Level up 1 or 2 craft skills. You don't have to grind them up, just need to get it to the point of getting some stuff literally dumped in your inventory and having the resources highlighted when you pass them ^^. I personally recommend the Alchemy and Enchanting skills. (You may want to spend some gold on your inventory size, it's really useful in general).
    4.) Whilst on your travels, simply collect materials as you pass them by, don't bother with items worth less than 40 gold unless you have plenty of space...
    5.) Whenever you stop off at a town, make a friendly visit to the local bank, find one of the many eager bankers, go to the guild store option and simply dump the items. I recommend selling in 5's or 10's and for a reduced price to increase chances of a sale.
    6.) Wait for profit ^^.
    P.S. You can also stop off at guild traders, peruse the items on sale, grab an item that is selling for a bit/lot lower than its worth and sell it yourself \[*v*]/
    P.P.S If your craft skills are high enough later on, you can make items that are worth quite a decent amount to sell to other players.

    So that was my list of tips, I really hope it helps you on your path to wealth in ESO. There are other ways, plenty more if you have the expansions, but I don't mention them cause they won't be for everyone.
    Have a good one and I'll see you in the digital worlds (.^v^.)

    *warning* You will NOT be popular amongst the popo. You may want to create another character to use for PvP, who'll do this and dump the cash in the bank.
    1.) Find an area with a decent NPC population, with few to no guards. I recommend a little place outside Dragonstar Arena, there are no guards, a ton of NPCs and they respawn rather quickly.
    2.) Yes, this is exactly what it sounds like. You'll become a mass murdering psychopath ^^.
    3.) Murder and loot, Murder and loot, Murder and loot, Murder and loot.
    4.) Dump all you've ripped off their cold dead, still warm with their blood, hands at the nearest Oulaws Refuge for some instant cash flow.
    5.) Sneak on to the bank and dump all that bloodmoney for your real character, who's not such a bad guy/gal. Don't worry, the banks do not care where the money comes from, just like in real life.
    6.) Rinse and repeat.

    Here's another way that can get you money rather quickly, although it is also rather illegal but no bounty will be on your head, so long as you're not caught. You can grind this or just do it now and then.
    1.) Literally go to every market and house in a town, find and loot strongboxes. Just remember, NPC's can't actually look down, so don't forget to sneak and you're set.
    Confession. They are really ignorant of their surroundings but not THAT bad...just sneak and be aware where they're looking and you'll be fine ^^.

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    Oh, also should've made step 2 of farming mats optional. Not everyone plays this game on the PC master race. 😆

    2 october 2017 13:20

    The money you get from selling raw materials is only good for funding your first mount and getting some bag and bank upgrades. If you're aiming for late game armor sets, you'll need to farm better items, like motifs.

    Also, you should've mentioned to sell RAW materials, because once you refine them, they're only worth 10% of the raw version's value.

    Just my two cents on this. ;)

    2 october 2017 13:18

    nice! thank you for tips

    25 march 2019 17:53

    Dracindo Oh yeah, thanks...I quite enjoy the alchemy specifically because you can get (in some areas at least) ingredients worth 50+ gold...and when you have 15 more of that its value adds up. But yeah, it does take a while, which is why it's more for the casual bit of income ^^

    2 october 2017 14:04