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    Rate this article "Chebo's Reviews 3 - The Ultimate Doom"

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    Chebo, 6 november 2017 20:25

    Chebo's Reviews 3 - The Ultimate Doom

    Am I grinding Doom ( 1993-1995 ) right now? Maybe... Blame Sargent Mark IV x3
    The next version of the Brutal Doom mod is coming soon, and the beta is already here. More on that later though, this is about the original game.


    Doom... Where it goes knee-deep in the nostalgia stuck in the shores of the 90s.
    The unnamed protagonist, a space marine best known as the Doomguy was sent to Mars after assaulting his commanding officer who gave the order to shoot civilians. The UAC ( Union Aerospace Corporation ) was secretly doing research on teleportation. And guess what? Huh? Demon outbreak! Time to slaughter them.


    Just like the style, it is truly revolutionary. Although it's not true 3D, it feels and looks 3D. The controls might seem pretty weird to modern gamers, but they're not that bad. Typical W A S D and the left/right arrow keys are to look left and right, numbers to switch weapons. Since there is no looking up or down, shooting aims for higher or lower enemies automatically. A big deal are the stairs and rising platforms, which made Doom ( visuals aside ) different from Wolfenstein 3D. Weapons are obtainable through some minor enemies who also drop ammo, through basically just following the main route of the level or often in secret rooms, along with ammo and health. The game itself is split into 3 parts called episodes, with a fourth episode added in The Ultimate Doom in 1995.

    Episode 1: Knee-Deep in the Dead
    Episode 2: Shores of Hell
    Episode 3: Inferno
    Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

    Here you can get an excellent view on most things you find around the game. Including the Super Shotgun from Doom 2. Not original sprites, but a lot friendlier for readers.


    So heavenly... I seem to compliment the soundtrack of every game I review, but honestly, a lot of old games have great soundtracks too. Doom in this case had a lot of awesome rock, along with the iconic main theme played in the first level.


    Looks like crap compared to the newest installment, but this is 28 MB. Doom 2016 is 53 GB. Then again, remember that this is 1993-1995 and that it runs on those dinosaur computers with big fat screens.

    Monsters ( Demons )

    Another Wiki with all the demons. http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Monster
    Only gonna point out some important stuff here for people who are sick of reading those. There are mainly three types of enemies. Melee enemies, basically demons ( pinky ) and spectres, hitscan enemies who hit with low damage you if you don't get out of their sight fast enough and projectile enemies, who shoot projectiles that can be dodged. They all also have mass and an amount of knockback they take from weapons.

    Brutal Doom

    The infamous mod that best runs on GZDoom, something like an emulator designed specially for Doom and only Doom. Even John Romero himself said that the amount of brutality in Brutal Doom is what they wanted to originally do, but didn't have the technology to do so. This mod was developed by Sgt. Mark IV and is still being worked on. There's even an addon that adds Doom 2016 weapons to it. Version 21 Beta is out, and the full release is coming soon.

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