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    Rate this article "10 Game Console exclusive JRPG that took to the PC!"

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    FarrelwiZ, 25 january 2018 19:22

    10 Game Console exclusive JRPG that took to the PC!

    Compared with previous generations, the popularity of the PC as a gaming platform must daikui, higher in today's generation. Developer and publisher, mainly from Japan who has always menganaktirikan PC for the release of their latest game now beginning to make it a major market launcher glimpsed from the first day of their giant games. Cool again? The trend is not just revolve latest games only. Publisher like SEGA and Square Enix are tempted by the number of Steam users that touch hundreds of millions of users from around the world also began releasing their old games in the format of visualization to support control and a tempting variety of new features. Trends of course, make PC gamers, especially those who are happy with the Japanese game 

    But admittedly, this does not mean PC gamers already arrival all JRPG games that deserves to be tested. Believe it or not, there are still a lot of JRPG games out there that still did not look at this market as something interesting to be visited, although the data show otherwise. Demand for some titles that we've included here, even accounting for the strong, but not being met. Of course, games JRPG we mentioned does not come from the era of two or three generations before the current platform, can easily be sampled through a process emulation, whether legally or not. We are talking about games JRPG that had stopped in the era, at least the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, or even more recently.

    Although each of these titles is not perfect and some of them, even some of the problems associated with technical and design, but hope to enjoy it in a more optimal quality thanks to a more dynamic capabilities of the PC continued to flare. Moreover, if the developer or publisher, with a little extra time, trying to fix any problems that had complained in the original release.

    So, of all the game JRPG that was available in the current and previous generation, exclusive JRPG games anywhere in our opinion, need to PCs in a visual format better and qualified port support? This is the version  farrelwiz:

    1. White Knight Chronicles

    A game JRPG is not perfect in terms of design, but managed to build a pretty rabid fan base, there is no better word to describe what it was White Knight Chronicles. Playstation 3 exclusive JRPG game is indeed trying to combine the concept of MMORPG with offline JRPG in the format battle that will probably remind you of what is on offer Square Enix Final Fantasy XII. The difference? Not just fight in human form, you can transform into a giant mecha monsters to destroy variants of course, are large and seemingly impossible subdued by ordinary people. Had been criticized for the quality of visualization is not too tempting at the time, with the support of a qualified online, this can end so the series is solid enough to be enjoyed on a PC.

    1. Infinite Undiscovery

    Could be a result of Microsoft's effort to penetrate the Japanese market difficult, Infinite Undiscovery is one of the JRPG that is designed for this purpose. Similar to the concept of Star Ocean where the concept of an action RPG that carried over viscous, while maintaining the classic JRPG unique concept in it, he counted revolutionary at the time. One of them is your ability to move without much preoccupied with severe loading time. Some with no loading times, some only takes seconds. Although it was disputed for a variety of technical problems that exist, it is also a game that includes a dozen members of your party to be maximized. For the size of the game JRPG for lay people who want a more active experience, Tri-Ace games concoction looks like a long-awaited answer. During the process of its port to the PC later fix a variety of technical problems and add texture to high definition, we believe it would be a tempting option.

    1. Blue Dragon

    Some may recognize him from an anime series with a story line that cliche. But for gamers who had grown with the Xbox 360 in the past, Blue Dragon is a turn-based RPG game with a hard appeal to be rejected. Tempo fight is starting slow because of the animation convoluted, but the adventure stories involving monsters called Shadows and ready to support you this is going to be strong enough to stir emotions. By mixing the father of Final Fantasy hand - Hironobu Sakaguchi and Mistwalker in tow, the quality is something that is strongly attached to the Blue Dragon itself. A game JRPG that is still being discussed, whenever the discussion related to the previous generation platform JRPG in the forefront.

    1. Tales of Vesperia

    If we are talking about one of the Japanese publisher that actively keeps throwing their games to the PC market, hence the name Namco Bandai will likely be one of the most active names. Look how termanjakannya gamer PC with diverse presence Tales series that currently, no longer miss the PC as a platform release. But unfortunately, there are a series of "legacy" that is not currently officially arrive. Absolutely, we are talking about Tales of Vesperia. Namco Bandai's first concept into the market the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 ends with a series Tales that is not only interesting in terms of gameplay and story, but also a visual for a more subtle approach to cartoons. Namco Bandai Why do not all take off this series for the PC? Is still a mystery.

    1. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

    Almost all gamers JRPG fans may currently be anticipating the presence of Ni No Kuni II series: Revenant Kingdom which had its release week. But strangely, despite the fact that the second series will go into PCs, Bandai Namco is still not showing signs will release the first series to this one platform. Although it is understandable because they do not deal directly in terms of story or gameplay, but introduced the first series of a franchise they wish to sell in a better quality, it should be a rational step to take. But the good news, at least from our perspective, of all the games that go into this list, at least a re-release of Ni No Kuni first being the most likely.

    1. Eternal Sonata

    A game JRPG with visual and character design so fascinating at the time, but ended up with a story that turns out, is not cheerful as you might think. This may be the impression you get after tasting Eternal Sonata. RPG game with a similar approach to Star Ocean, and also make classical music as the basis of this game actually has qualities that too good to pass up, for JRPG fans everywhere. But unfortunately, the years of waiting did not show hope to see this game to the PC. With all the charms he offers, even from the affairs of the presentation, including the music though, it is almost impossible this game will not be sold on the PC if it is, it ends up thrown to the PC with the port should be.

    1. Resonance of Fate

    Speaking JRPG and most of our imagination would probably lead to a genre in which the main characters attack each other using their melee weapon that has a crazy design, which is not much need a strategy. But there is one game in the previous generation, which only offered a contrast, with a more futuristic design world as well with fantasy sensation that remains thick. Absolutely, we talk about Resonance of Fate. Plays three characters who all rely on firearms in a game format that also focuses on an element of strategy to master the existing battle field, it ends so potential products are too good to pass up. Perhaps, some players will give up at the beginning because of the taste sensation that is not familiar.

    1. Xenoblade Chronicles X

    Of all the titles that we've included in this list, Xenoblade Chronicles X may be the title of the most impossible to arrive to the PC. Given that it is a product that stands under the banner of Monolith Soft, who currently is associated strongly with the name of Nintendo. But then, there is no harm in hoping. With vast world that is divided into a variety of areas, each of which has the ecosystem and the different themes, Xenoblade Chronicles X will be a game that can take advantage of the extra capabilities PC for a more definitive. Since the play on the Wii U, it's hard not to imagine how beautiful this game if it is built on a platform as powerful as a PC.More beautiful world, sharper graphics, character design clearer,

    1. Lost Odyssey

     it seems impossible you never heard the name before Lost Odyssey. Also emerged as one of the JRPG Microsoft products to penetrate the Japanese market in the era of Xbox 360, Lost Odyssey is handled by Mistwalker, with Nobou Uematsu as composer of music that accompanies every fight. Already looks beautiful on Xbox 360 era, a story involving the suffering of the immortals who can not die of this, is unique compared to other JRPG. Although the mechanism of gameplay, he counted fairly similar, but the strength of the story and karakterlah design that will take you stick and fell in love with this one game. This is a game JRPG "classic" is so coveted, and we are sure, will be loved easily by anyone who loves the game JRPG turn-based in the past.

    1. persona 5

    Hopeless? Maybe. A dream that can be realized in the release is still legal? Certain. A wet dream for lovers of JRPG PC gamers who still do not have a Playstation 4 or Playstation 3? An indisputable fact. The fact that Atlus has never publicly mentioned that Persona 5 PC version this time, it is not possible, the more open these expectations. We are talking about a game JRPG that not only retains flavor of game Persona as we know it, but it got him to experience higher through visual design, music selection, to the character design is even beyond what was achieved Atlus with Persona 3 and Persona 4 previously. This is a JRPG game that feels so true to the theme that he stretcher, while maintaining a dark story elements without restraint. A game that makes you afraid of what can be done by humans when indulged darkest, but also opens up the hope that there are always those who dare to resist to the truth. Acts of heroism in the form of such "young child", proper and appropriate, not to be missed by any JRPG gamer lover.

    Above, is 10 games JRPG today ekskusif console, but in our opinion, need to explore options to be released as well to the PC. We understand that some titles there has a small chance for exclusivity agreement that prevented behind the scenes, but again, it does not hurt to keep hoping and dreaming. That if the time is right, these games will be ended more fantastic and admirable than the release of the console versions, if sampled at powerful rigs are able to live it, with the assistance of the port and the optimization process is right on target.

    What about your own, PC gamers? Of all the exclusive JRPG game consoles available today, which is the most you expect your mainstay released on this platform in the future? Feel free to comment and expand the list!

    Rate this article 10 Game Console exclusive JRPG that took to the PC!

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    This is a great article. Talking about each game with specific facts. Noted!

    2 july 2019 17:54