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    New to the game

    I want to start but I don't have friends to teach. Do let me know the basic tips.

    7 february 2019 07:40 77

    Learn how to last hit farm cause if you have less farm then your opponent then you lost your line but if you have more kill and towers but less farm doesnt matter then you won your lane hardest lane in lol is adc and jngl easiest ones are top and mid map awerrnes s inportant and and wining trades in your lane.Trading means dealing damage to each other and wich one deals more damage.And play a small champion pool if you want to play ranked so you could master 1-3 champs to play in each lane then your good. Thats all i can tell.Good Luck. 😉

    9 february 2019 19:03 77

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