novice rank iconJason: It’s new owners
novice rank iconJason: They don’t do that lachty
novice rank iconmano: W site
unranked rank iconlachty: Can  you return  my gems from old account?
unranked rank iconlachty: 0.
unranked rank iconlachty: Hi, i have over 20000 gems and now....
AdminJoshverd: We were unable to migrate accounts from the old Gamehag platform
unranked rank iconMatas Kaminskiene: they reset  the accounts i think..
unranked rank iconWsgGang: came back to this site after 2 years and JESUS
unranked rank iconYobz: Adios Ikkimura :(
unranked rank iconTomasz Kalinowski: Wtf stare konta skasowane?
unranked rank iconRazuflok7: bro what happend to old accounts ?
unranked rank iconHimynameisPaolo: old account died then??
unranked rank iconIkkimura: La verdad es es que me da pereza empezar desde 0. Creo que esto será lo último que escriba aquí :/
unranked rank iconIkkimura: Después del tiempo que dediqué a esta web siendo moderador y que no nos dijesen nada de los cambios... por no hablar de las 18000 gemas que aún tenía
AdminSwirfty: All of the offerwalls are on the main page 
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: when i click on games
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: i see no offerwall tho
AdminSwirfty: Games are still offers
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: So?
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: I completed a challenge inside a game that I shd get rewarded for but I didn’t
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: Not offers
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: It’s the games 
AdminSwirfty: There's a support tab on all of the offerwalls you can click on 
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: How?
AdminSwirfty: You should contact the offerwall's support 
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: Help?
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: Guys I just completed one of the challenges in a game but nothing happened
unranked rank iconBober40: maybe code?
AdminJoshverd: Np  pepeD emote (inline chat version)



Help Me Get Rid of Plagiarism

ranzacado avatar


January 13, 2019 at 11:22 AM

Oh man, @FabulouSS is on FIRE! I love this, I love it so much. It'll definitely discourage others to copy-paste another people's work. Gotta be on the lookout though. If I see a suspicious article, I'll let you know @Vaaren, as always!

dakuwanga avatar


January 13, 2019 at 08:18 PM

I think plagiarizers have given links a bit too bad of a name. My Early Access review for Maelstrom was recently rejected on charges of plagiarism/spam. Even though I didn't really copy anything. All I did was include two links to a couple of websites as references and as sources of additional information. Either people around here don't appreciate references, which might be partly thanks to the plagiarizers, or the voters at the time were simply being jerks.

aidenpearce001 avatar


January 13, 2019 at 10:56 PM

Today I posted my new article about a character called "V" from DMC5 which I wrote entirely by myself. But I got shocked when I saw it got rejected after 5-10 minutes later. I don't understand what went wrong.

yazdan avatar


January 16, 2019 at 02:08 AM

@raduraresandrei is trying to post a plagiarism article.
here the link:
just search the first paragraph and you will find it.

Sanelaa avatar


January 22, 2019 at 06:49 PM


stevovich2 avatar


January 22, 2019 at 06:50 PM

This is a big forum and its pretty hard to delete plagiarism because we will always miss some but we are trying

windpapl avatar


January 22, 2019 at 08:37 PM

It is impossible to do it by manual review.

garner_spike avatar


January 22, 2019 at 09:12 PM

When you force people to level up without any other 'easy' way to gain EXP, then what you get is a bunch of spam, like what happens on Alienware site

Sanelaa avatar


January 23, 2019 at 03:38 PM

When you force people to level up without any other 'easy' way to gain EXP, then what you get is a bunch of spam, like what happens on Alienware site 100% truuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

storm41_bg avatar


January 25, 2019 at 02:44 PM

help me

storm41_bg avatar


January 25, 2019 at 02:44 PM


yazdan avatar


February 2, 2019 at 04:07 PM


Article name: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknow
Original source: IGN Hungary
this person tried so many times to pass plagiarism article, I demand a permanent ban for his/her account. I write some articles, yes they have grammatical errors but I wrote them all by myself. it is not fair.

Kolven avatar


February 2, 2019 at 07:02 PM

grammatical errors lol, lots of them, I cant believe why mods can accept your articles, and not mine @yasdan

mrssalter avatar


February 2, 2019 at 10:50 PM

there are also a lot of articles that are being submitted that are basically a rundown of what the menu screen looks like....its hardly an article....not an interesting informative text, just what each screen in the menu does and maybe if they put some thought into it what happens if you select the menu!!!

mrssalter avatar


February 2, 2019 at 11:05 PM

also as a request, once you ban someone can you please also remove their published articles for two reasons:

1. So they cannot then go on to write in their resume or somewhere important that they have published articles

2. So that the genuine writers' articles are not buried in the 88 pages of articles there are currently.


Berna95 avatar


February 2, 2019 at 11:29 PM

This is unfortunate. Hope this reduces the amount of plagiarism here

mrssalter avatar


February 3, 2019 at 08:41 AM


This published article is actually plagiarism :



ACTUAL article by:

mrssalter avatar


February 3, 2019 at 09:47 AM

@dakuwanga My articles also got rejected for plagiarism/spam as I had links to the game creator's website. I think the reviewers misunderstood meaning of plagiarism.

ssuvfhp1 avatar


February 3, 2019 at 09:54 AM

actually suck

iAmMike90 avatar


February 3, 2019 at 03:27 PM

Why can't you guys have a bot which will basically check if the user is plagarising and then if they are then the bot should tell the Moderator that they are most likely plagarising the bot should not take any action on the person but let the moderator do it because bots are known to make mistakes.

suxarichi avatar


February 3, 2019 at 10:24 PM

i dont know dude

MrGamer789 avatar


February 4, 2019 at 12:08 AM

Plagiarism sucks, it's cool that you guys made this thread

MrGamer789 avatar


February 4, 2019 at 12:09 AM

I'll keep an eye out as well

Lex47 avatar


February 4, 2019 at 04:23 AM

This reduces the amount of plagiarism here:100:%!!

dakuwanga avatar


February 5, 2019 at 12:14 AM

@IAmMike90 I suppose it's because a bot wouldn't necessarily be reliable in such a scenario. Unless you are actually willing to go through the trouble and check the existing online reviews (not to mention some copies are Google translations from other languages), it might not be possible to immediately tell whether it's legitimate or copied from somewhere else.