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    What's your opinion on Blackout or CSGO becoming free?

    The title is self-explanatory.

    26 december 2018 00:43 808

    For me personally, I think it's sort of great because it allows people who want to play CSGO a chance to try it out, but on the other hand, the hackers in Non-Prime are really annoying. I played Non-Prime on a new account, and man there are a lot of hackers.

    26 december 2018 00:45 808

    its cool but kinda annoying cuz now its full of hackers

    26 december 2018 12:24 808

    Well is nice but iagree with anybody else

    28 december 2018 19:28 808

    All those who are complaining about hackers take this, If you are prime you will connect with prime users only and now that the game is aroung 19 $. no one risks that. Also if you are playing casual or deathmatch you will play with prime users only. NOW PLEASE GIVE IT A REST

    28 december 2018 22:16 808

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