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    How it works

    Transfer and issues with Screenshots

    I saw a few people asking what this means.

    "Transfer" is an option that allows you to reset a hero or weapon to basically 0, and get all resources used back. Be warned though, only the first Transfer each week is free. Any additional transfers will cost diamonds, and the price rises each time.

    Also plenty of complaints about screenshot issues. The typical file size of screenshots captured of LoA3 tend to be too large to upload to Gamehag.

    I used this site https://imagecompressor.com/ and I was able to compress it enough to upload.

    22 september 2018 08:27 3088

    Third task suggestion: Have at least 100 Diamonds more than your previous Screenshot. In other words, they most likely are expecting you to gain 100 "additional" Diamonds that you do not already have, and they have a screenshot as a gauge to wether you gained more or not. So don't go diamond spending crazy.

    22 september 2018 08:46 3088

    wait what?

    26 november 2018 00:58 3088

    Also plenty of complaints about screenshot issues

    26 november 2018 15:56 3088

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