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    what do you think about s8? compare to previous seasons!

    Tell us about your thoughts of season 8. What do you think was misplaced and completetely fckd up? What should riot have done differently? etc. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    21 september 2018 02:17 77

    I personally think that the new botlane meta messed up every adc and support main. :D the jungle is pretty decent now. A decent jungler can turn the match around... so its really unfortunate if you have a useless one. Also the botlane duos, still can hardcarry matches. Altough mid-jungler or top-jungler is a bit better, since they are more likely to be a bit tanky or bruiser and wont die instantly from like anyone. Of course a marksman like vayne, caitlyn, ezreal can dodge and kite assassins but still. I hope assassin meta wont really come back anytime soon, it really sucks, and brings out every tank main from their caves.

    21 september 2018 02:21 77

    Adc and support are totally useless. I mean the legacy adc/support. Now seeing brand and vel'koz as suports. Rarely seeing adc's based on crit. Vayne is dead, Kalista is dead. The new crit is so nerfed.... Junglers are on a pretty good spot, i would say. Assassins are still OP, but not that OP. Top...oh god. Feed a Mundo and you are going to want to end the match quicker. This is the tank meta and new botlane meta. Pretty dissapointed.
    To be honest i loved season 6, it is when i started playing league of legends....still a newbie compared to other veterans haha. But this season is so unbalanced...I don't really know where they want to get to.

    21 september 2018 13:58 77

    yess camon baby

    21 september 2018 14:25 77

    areu okey

    21 september 2018 14:25 77

    as a scirtgo

    21 september 2018 14:25 77

    my bad

    21 september 2018 14:25 77

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