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    How it works

    Rejected Tasks make this game poor

    I liked the game overall, the gameplay in the arcade mode you are thrown into as a new player is fun and well designed. I like seeing the overall results of the shots that hit my opponents. The problem with this game is that the tasks get rejected often it seems, and I am not the only one that has this happen to them. If you are going to play this game I'd expect you can complete the first task with no rejection but I do not recommend wasting your time on the second or third tasks trying to get to 20 wins. Unless the company actually owns up to their agreement, I will be giving this game a 1 star rating.

    31 march 2021 12:12 11

    It's not the game's creator's fault that the tasks are veeery hard to make.

    1 april 2021 11:20 11

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