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    How it works

    League of Angels: Heaven's Fury

    (3.82/5) 595 rates

    How to get started

    Hi, I want to start playing this game but I'm not sure how to get started - it's a bit overwhelming

    8 january 2021 21:58 8285

    Evolve your main Angel to Epic (3 stars). Getting to 3 stars is fairly easy. Evolving past 3 stars starts to get very costly, so it makes a good point to stop and focus on your Guardian Angels.

    Evolve all of your Guardian Angels to Uncommon (1 star).This will give a bit of a boost to your main and heroes and won’t cost very much.

    Evolve your main Angel to Mythical (5 stars). This is where things become very expensive. (it cost me 500 Evolution points to get to 4 Legendary and 1200 more Evolution points to get to Mythical). ;Getting your Main angel up to Mythical will greatly increase the damage that she does during battle and give your party a strong Elemental Shield.

    8 january 2021 23:32 8285

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