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    Should adopt me be shut down?

    Adopt me has caused many lag sites for the website roblox and we wonder if it should be shut down or not. Many fans of the site believe it should, do you?

    31 october 2020 03:04 2173

    no, its uselsss to shut it down

    31 october 2020 03:12 2173

    I don't think it should. it's a loved game by thousands and it would be sad to see (in my opinion) one of the best games on Roblox go.

    31 october 2020 06:21 2173

    it's not actually adopt me's fault tbh, it's because roblox servers aren't the best and they lag all the time, the website also lags alot

    31 october 2020 08:35 2173

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