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    Star Trek Screenshot Bug?

    I send the screenshot but it has been showing me the sign that it has received the screenshot but every time the I click "PLAY FOR FREE" it shows me that I can turn in the screenshot again. I have waited for it to accept my screenshot for the last 10 hours but there has been nothing, whereas when my friend did it, he got the points within 5 minutes.

    30 june 2018 03:17 2203

    Did you ever get your gems? It says it can take up to 48 hours. I had a screenshot rejected for unknown reasons last night and appealed and sent a new screenshot, and now all my tasks, including this one, are pending. Maybe they're reviewing them more carefully, or maybe i'm being brushed off, not sure. If I remember to, I'll come back here and let you know whenever I find out.

    12 july 2018 09:04 2203

    Well, my task was rejected. After no word from Misty I went on discord and managed to talk to someone very helpful who straightened things out for me. They suggested I send multiple screenshots next time (so side by side, I presume), so that's what i'll do for my next task. Now I'm waiting to see if the prize I ordered goes through.

    13 july 2018 10:25 2203

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