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    Help with Tycoons

    I really want to build my own tycoon, however I have not found any tutorials worth it, and YouTube doesn't help me learn. I'm wondering if there's anybody here who has made a tutorial or article on how to make tycoons.

    23 june 2020 08:58 2173

    You can use zens tycoon in roblox studio there is one which is already built that you can use.

    23 june 2020 09:00 2173

    You can use zens tycoon in roblox studio there is one which is already built

    23 june 2020 09:00 2173

    I have seen people using prebuilts, but that doesn't help with expanding, or scripting. Once I know how to work the buttons, cash droppers and collectors, and grouping it into one tycoon, I should be good, yet there's nothing I've found that's helpful to me.

    23 june 2020 09:02 2173

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