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    where to find how many battles you have won?

    plz somebody help i dont know where to find how many battles i won becase i want to complete the task

    9 april 2018 07:18 11

    I know but i do this by mistake and i want to know in Armored Warfare where to find winned battles

    9 april 2018 20:09 11

    does it have to be a certain game mode?

    25 may 2018 22:48 11

    guys did yall get accepted? i literally got a screenshot from my account and i posted it, it clearly showed both my name of the account and that i have achieved 6 victories i ahve tried sending the screenshot 2 times withink 4 days and both it has been rejected for some kind of reason

    26 march 2021 10:36 11

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