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    is csgo gonna die in the next 5 years?

    is it gonna die?

    5 june 2020 22:34 808

    nope it has stayed for over 2 decades and to this very day it is being updated with new gamemodes,
    features, items and maps. So it will stay as long as its fanbase stays even after new games such as valorant and rainbow seige the hardcore dedicated player still play it

    6 june 2020 13:14 808

    No, it won't. There are rumours surrounding Source 2, which is a new game engine. If it comes out it will add at least 10+ years to the lifespan of the game :)

    6 june 2020 13:16 808

    no, counter strike is game that you can play forever and never it will be boring

    6 june 2020 19:36 808

    i agree with all of you

    6 june 2020 20:14 808

    I think that a lots of players will stop playing cause of cheaters.

    6 june 2020 20:52 808

    It wont die

    6 june 2020 22:01 808

    i dont think its gonna die but since they made it free alot of people stopped playing bc of increased number of cheaters.

    7 june 2020 14:30 808

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