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    tbh games nowadays in roblox are very dissapointing

    i made this thread so that people can share their opinions on other games and tell us games that are good time killers

    29 april 2020 18:52 2173

    hi what is this grup ?

    29 april 2020 18:53 2173

    this is not a group? its a thread

    29 april 2020 18:54 2173

    i fine the games are very normal

    29 april 2020 19:40 2173

    i didnt say that roblox is dissapointing i said games in roblox

    29 april 2020 19:42 2173

    i played roblox since 2016-2015 and now that i achieved full experience i find the majority of games boring or maybe i have a potato pc

    29 april 2020 19:43 2173

    i uhm find these vr games kind of fun, one of them shows your head so my friend joined in with a headless and caused major chaos, i also like breaking point

    29 april 2020 20:34 2173

    true very true

    29 april 2020 20:35 2173

    There are really good games out there, while there are bad ones. You just have to find some.

    30 april 2020 10:22 2173

    Except for Piggy and Bakon, I don't seem to find any good and new Roblox games.

    30 april 2020 10:52 2173

    I also think that the egg hunt 2020 is a little disappointing. It's not as good as egg hunt 2018.

    30 april 2020 10:53 2173

    I like piggy, arsenal and horrific housing. But some are just simulators that are money grabs...

    30 april 2020 10:55 2173

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