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    What is your favourite game ???

    mah is arsenal and madcity

    29 april 2020 07:42 2173

    mine is bee sawm simulator

    29 april 2020 08:05 2173

    And meep city because it is like living a real life

    29 april 2020 08:06 2173

    My fav game is Ro-Ghoul

    29 april 2020 08:13 2173

    You probably heard the name Booga Booga when playing roblox. If not, then who are you even playing with? Just kidding, it's a very popular survival game with many things to do, make a tribe, make a campsite with walls and such, and most importantly: make friends. This game has a lot of fake people tho so don't be fooled!

    quick very important tip: do NOT any under circumstances, go near a player offering you items and not backing out, even if they look harmless! They will place a hut with a lot of health over you and you'll probably be doomed!

    How could you know? It's just a game, and almost all games on Roblox are complete garbage, because Roblox games are completely binary with 1s and 0s being golden and trash. Now back to Booga Booga, why is it so good? Well you're about to find out:

    Booga Booga's item system:
    This game doesn't feature a whole screen full of UI elements and stats, it only shows you what you need to know. For example, you have the health, hunger and mana bars in one place, tidier than ever. Then there's the inventory system that is just as simple! You click C and you have a small panel with all your items and a few sorting options: materials, food and tools/armor.

    29 april 2020 08:17 2173

    i think my favourite game is jailbreak. i got some gamepasses that together cost almost 1k
    jailbreak is cool. i was even going out of my way to see the original live event.

    29 april 2020 08:19 2173

    Tower of hell, even if I suck at it.

    29 april 2020 08:54 2173

    me favorite is one piece open seas, its based off of one piece, ive spent soo much time on this game i became a yonko (emperor) which are a select chosen 4 best players with the best crews, i hope pirate king gets added so i can become the king or pirates

    29 april 2020 09:34 2173

    My favorite one is Epic Minigames

    29 april 2020 10:20 2173

    What is your favorite egg in 2020?

    29 april 2020 10:22 2173

    Who wants robux?

    29 april 2020 10:29 2173

    hocam spam yemek orucu bozarmı

    29 april 2020 10:30 2173

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