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    Future Capsule Coupon Rewards - We need your feedback!

    Hello everybody, we want to make sure that the future coupon rewards updates next year will be exciting for everybody and will not disappoint any collector. We especially plan to change the 3 permanent weapons available for capsule coupons regularly and we want to give you the opportunity to share your feedback about a list of potential candidates we selected. With this forum thread, we would like to use your feedback to filter this extensive list, removing eventual no-go weapons and not-so-attractive weapons. Then we will likely have a survey to allow the community to vote about their favorite weapons from the remaining list. For your information, none of the candidates listed below is currently owned in a permanent form by any player active in the past 30 days. Items which already exist in the database but are not owned by anybody in permanent form: Dual Colt-Gold AWM-Camo RPK-Camo PSG-1 Red Dragon Berreta-AR70 Red Dragon AK-47 Knife-RD Mauser M1896-Royal Dragon AK-47 Knife Yellow Crystal P90 Camo Gold Mask Autumn Camo Grenade Desert Eagle Silver M4A1-S-Silver Items which don't exist yet in the database: QBZ95-Camo Steyr AUG-A1 Camo SG552-Camo AWM-RD M4A1-S Red Dragon Dual Double Barrel Crystal M4A1 Bronze Desert Eagle Bronze Dual Double Barrell Bronze Bronze Grenade M1A1 Carbine Famas G2 M231 RAI Model 500 JNG-90 CBJ-MS LSAT HK21 SIG MG 710-3 Ruger Charger Looking forward to hear what you have to say about these weapons! Which one do you like the best? Which ones would you not want to see in the coupon rewards in the future? We want to know :) Kind regards, Your PM_CrisCross

    20 december 2017 22:53 897

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