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    Quaffer's detonated by Yamato

    Quaffer's detonated by Yamato Steaming through the strait on Christmas eve You can say there's no such thing as Kraken But as for me and Roma, we believe He'd been drinking too much Guinness And we begged him not to go But he forgot to bring his teammate And he steamed out 'tween the cliffs of Cocomo When we found him Christmas morning At the scene of the attack His whole keel was in the sunshine 'midst floatsum, jetsum, oil and burnt kapok Quaffer's detonated by Yamato Steaming through the strait on Christmas eve You can say there's no such thing as Kraken But as for me and Roma, we believe Now we're all so proud of Roma She's been taking this so well See her in there in the galley Drinking beer and shooting craps with bosun Mel It's not Christmas without Quaffer All the crew is dressed in black And we just can't help but wonder Should we bury him at sea Or bring him back (bring him back) Quaffer's detonated by Yamato Steaming through the strait on Christmas eve You can say there's no such thing as Kraken But as for me and Roma, we believe Now the sun is o'er the port rail And the captain's in his gig And the blue and golden signals That would just have warned the team of Kraken big I've warned all my fellow sailors Better watch out for yourselves They should never give a port slot To a man who drives a bb Straight from hell Quaffer's detonated by Yamato Steaming through the strait on Christmas eve You can say there's no such thing as Kraken But as for me and Roma, we believe Stolen from Randy Brooks' Grandma got run over by a reindeer

    14 december 2017 21:41 89

    So now that Dasha is in the game, the next logical step is to make her a Legendary Captain. I'm guessing Russian is the closest bet for her. Any thoughts on captain skills for her? (keep it clean) 15% expanded spotting distance similar to the module upgrade (see always sees what's coming before we do). 10% bonus to AA (from having to shoot down all the people creeping on her all the time.) 10% bonus to ship acceleration [not top speed, just acceleration] (she makes us want to jump into battle)

    14 november 2019 16:42 89

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