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    Should this be concerning? My Days Average Damage for T9 DD is almost Equal to my T4 DD

    So I am wondering if anyone else would find this as concerning as I do. I played a few games in my Tier 9 Pan-Asia DD the Chung Mu today and only barely squeaked out a slightly higher average damage then I did in my T4 American DD the Clemson. Now I don't think I am a bad player but I am pretty sure you're suppose to do more damage at Tier 9 than you are at Tier 4 right?

    14 december 2017 20:43 89

    So now that Dasha is in the game, the next logical step is to make her a Legendary Captain. I'm guessing Russian is the closest bet for her. Any thoughts on captain skills for her? (keep it clean) 15% expanded spotting distance similar to the module upgrade (see always sees what's coming before we do). 10% bonus to AA (from having to shoot down all the people

    14 november 2019 16:42 89

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