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    How it works

    Easiest way to get robux

    ok for me the easiest way is the most expensive way so I recommend buying premium and making clothes and publishing them if you do this you get Robux and get to earn more if you create clothing and if you cant create clothing your on mobile or you just don't want to then just buy it without premium

    17 april 2020 19:48 2173

    oh cool dude thx for the website

    17 april 2020 20:02 2173

    is that a scam site?

    17 april 2020 20:29 2173

    no, it's similar to this one it's not that easy to get Robux you have to wait until you earn at least 5 points which are equal to 5 Robux and you either get it by completing offers sort of like quests or by redeeming daily Robux you unlock daily Robux by completing 1 offer for 1 daily Robux 3 for 5 and 5 offers for seven daily Robux if you complete 5 exact you get 13 Robux every day, but don't think it's easy cause you still need to complete the offers playing games and stuff and some of them are hard to complete but it's worth it if you get Robux right?

    17 april 2020 20:40 2173

    This app is good for getting robux just login everyday to get 5 soul

    17 april 2020 21:05 2173

    buy it lol

    17 april 2020 21:08 2173

    idk man

    17 april 2020 21:08 2173

    RBXSTACKS.com I earned a few and to get it you need to join there group

    17 april 2020 21:10 2173

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