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    Which character do you think should be deleted and why?

    I think Teemo since he is too hard to play against and he is annoying.

    12 april 2020 09:56 77

    Yea Teemo Those Mushrooms that He place always Gets me and its very powerful

    12 april 2020 10:00 77

    And also Yasuo. well its a best champion when ur using it But the abilitys and the tricks that people discover on yasuo moves are way to powerfull

    12 april 2020 10:01 77

    I think Yasuo is pretty annoying too, I really hate playing against him.

    12 april 2020 14:57 77

    yasuo but why teemo cant be played at one for all , sorry for my bad english

    12 april 2020 17:04 77

    i would say yasuo, teemo is hard to play against when the player is good, but when it comes to yasuo, you can be crap at the game and still get kills

    12 april 2020 17:51 77

    all of them lol

    12 april 2020 18:39 77

    id say delete katarina, she is so hard to play against since she just flies all over the map and gets you to half health, then she just ults and you die

    12 april 2020 19:50 77

    i don't think they should delete anyone, maybe more nerfing or boosting

    12 april 2020 20:35 77

    some characters like amumu didn't changed maybe from the begining

    12 april 2020 20:36 77

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