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    Is league of legends dying

    Lol was a hit game since release but all good things come to an end league was recently outshined by fps games like pubg and fortnite and i also think riot games also thinks this and that's why they are working on valorant well i hope valorant does good either way but i don't want the game i grew up playing to just die off. Well those were my thoughts and if you think I'm wrong tell me in the comments

    30 march 2020 21:59 77

    its not dying but of course its loosing popularity,when you think logicaly this game was a succes tho

    30 march 2020 22:57 77

    The game has a rediculous amount of advertising, so it's doing well enough

    30 march 2020 23:14 77


    31 march 2020 03:55 77

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