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    Is it worth getting into LoL?

    I used to play LoL a little bit but I haven't played in a while. Is it still worth it for me to start playing?

    24 march 2020 02:49 77

    If you like the game, certainly. If not, other games in the same genre are Smite, Dota 2, and Heroes of the Storm.
    If owning all the champions is what you're worried about, Heroes of the Storm has all of it's heroes free until April 2nd. Dota gives you all the characters for free always.

    24 march 2020 22:20 77

    If you never played MOBAs before I recommend starting up with heroes of the storm. It's the easiest (in my opinion) MOBA that exists, it doesn't have too much 1v1 outplays and cool stuff, it's more oriented towards teamfighting and being useful to the team rather than you doing 1v5 outplays. It's not much to learn about it either since there's not items runes masteries to learn but just 3 to 5 talents every 4 level your character gets in game.

    25 march 2020 15:01 77

    We read the comment and we gave appropriate responses. If you like the game then play it. If not, then don't. While there are some big changes, League is still fundamentally the same game it has always been.

    25 march 2020 18:01 77

    No don't, honestly you gotta play it before anyone can tell you but I dont recommend it I had friends who wanted to play who got flamed by the toxic community that league has.

    25 march 2020 18:21 77

    the game is getting worse and more complicated for new players so no

    26 march 2020 16:26 77

    IMO , the answer is yes. If you like some tower-defense games , you really should get into it.

    27 march 2020 02:15 77

    Run until you can, it will take your life

    29 march 2020 01:29 77

    Maybe,,It depends on yoj

    30 march 2020 00:22 77

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