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    War Thunder

    (4.29/5) 17476 rates

    Play and get

    2500 5500
    Soul Gems

    For 4 quests

    Register via the "PLAY FOR FREE" button, confirm your account in the email, and then Win 8 battles and destroy at least 3 enemies

    how do i get the first task veryfied

    the first task keeps getting rejected i tried making it windowed i tried getting 10 wins i tried fullscreen windowed and it still doesnt work

    2 february 2020 21:51 11

    i send a new one yesterday and it got rejected again

    2 february 2020 21:51 11

    Just open your profile and then take a screenshot of it. It would be more useful if you told us why it got rejected tho.

    3 february 2020 12:31 11

    I did that long ago still doesnt work it just keeps saying make sure you did everything right and send another screenshot the screenshots i send have displayed- my ingame name (same one as in gamehag) my wins and proof that its real (game was windowed)

    3 february 2020 12:34 11

    NOPE doesnt work still i tried that long ago also Misty is a robot there is no way that will work she told me just take a new screenshot done and it still doesnt work

    3 february 2020 13:17 11

    if you have more ways to fix it tell me if not ill take a new one and news about if it worked tomorrow

    3 february 2020 13:20 11

    is the fact im in a diffrent timezone do anything as in this side it shows me that its 13:17 now however here where i live its actually 14:30

    3 february 2020 13:21 11

    about 14:30
    not actually

    3 february 2020 13:23 11

    also i have 10 wins if that messed something up but even when i had 5 still didnt work

    3 february 2020 13:25 11

    You can create a ticket by problem>techinal problem>other. And then someone will answer you.

    3 february 2020 14:20 11


    3 february 2020 14:20 11

    wait where is that problem button

    3 february 2020 14:25 11

    done i send it

    3 february 2020 14:30 11

    it worked thanks a lot guys

    3 february 2020 15:28 11

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