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    What do you like and what do you hate about Roblox? How did you find out about this game?

    I like Roblox because it's fun and the only thing I hate the most about Roblox is the hackers. A friend of mine told me about this game and I wanted to see how is it, and we played and still play this game cuz it's fun

    8 january 2020 23:11 2173

    I like Roblox because there are so many games to explore, we can socialise with other people, create our own games and so much more. The things that I hate about Roblox are the people who cyber bullies other players. I found out about Roblox when my cousin showed me a roblox youtuber then I also started playing roblox.

    9 january 2020 07:35 2173

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