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    Na'Vi are back, for a Major at least

    CIS qualifiers for the DreamLeague Season 13 Major would come to an end today with a second team from the region joining Virtus.pro at the January Dota 2 Pro Circuit event.
    The CIS region had a plethora of big named teams fighting for a chance at reaching the second Major of the DPC season but with only two spots available for the region, it would be a tough few days of qualifiers. Yesterday we saw Virtus.pro take the first slot available as they battled their way past Team Spirit, sending their opponents into the lower bracket. Spirit had shown some fantastic plays through the group stages, even though it was drawn series to push them through into the playoffs. Their opponents are a household name in Dota 2, Natus Vincere. After losing to Spirit in the first leg of playoffs, Na’Vi would need to prove that they were back if they wanted to make it to the Major.
    In the first game of the series, Na’Vi destroyed their opponents, leaving them only two kills in the entire 19-minute shutdown. But going into the next game, it seemed as though Spirit were about to make a big comeback as they pummeled their way into a decent lead, finding kills constantly. But after a long period of no kills going either way and Na’Vi farming, they were ready to fight and came through to take a 2-0 victory.
    Na’Vi now join Virtus.pro as the CIS representatives for DreamLeague Season 13, while Team Spirt join Gentlemen, Gambit Esports and HellRaisers at the WePlay! Bukovel CIS qualifiers.

    6 december 2019 12:00 5035

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