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    Season 10 issues

    Fortnite is dying

    2 august 2019 14:59 2830

    Literally the B.R.U.T.E Machine is one thing that pisses me off I can't believe this is in the game now are you serious

    2 august 2019 15:00 2830

    Also they should have just reverted the map not slowly do it

    2 august 2019 15:01 2830

    I just updated the game, but I have never played season 10 yet.

    2 august 2019 20:36 2830

    Get ready

    2 august 2019 20:49 2830

    the season 10 sucks

    3 august 2019 19:36 2830

    the big robot is too much op

    3 august 2019 19:36 2830

    that doesn t make any sense

    3 august 2019 19:36 2830

    Don't call me stupid u idiotic bitc

    3 august 2019 21:57 2830

    Im not playing season 10

    4 august 2019 14:18 2830

    The thing is the BRUTE is very slow so if they were to slightly nerf the damage output for the rockets I could maybe see it becoming less of an issue.

    5 august 2019 05:00 2830

    The bruet is to powerful

    5 august 2019 05:25 2830

    The new tilted town is coming, there was a bug for me where I saw it on the map, but when I dropped down to it it was the normal location.

    6 august 2019 13:04 2830

    its hard way to fight brutes

    6 august 2019 13:34 2830

    Mechs(BRUTE) are to OP

    6 august 2019 14:05 2830

    Epic goes by " no press is bad press " so at the start of every season they add something op and get huge hate and then they vault it so everyone thinks that they listen . E.g. Season 7 and the sword.

    6 august 2019 17:55 2830

    another salty player ****. at least you're not a hacker

    6 august 2019 22:57 2830

    Alright dude

    6 august 2019 23:53 2830

    dlcpretzel also the plane in season 7 that was hated by the comunity

    7 august 2019 17:13 2830


    8 august 2019 22:31 2830

    мисти все решает))) Мисти супееееер

    11 august 2019 20:29 2830

    b.r.u.t.e. or whatever it's called, that thing is straight-up made for new players, there are no exceptions. it literally does the game for you. 1000 health. does not lose items when entering. gets max materials in seconds. obliterates even the best of players because of the broken missiles that follow your cursor and break through every type of building (metal,rock,wood). if you're in solos (and the mech person isn't teaming) you can easily enter the second seat (gunner or driver) and self-destruct it which is one way of killing it. other way is shoot him in the head while he's readying his missiles and make sure there's a good distance between you and him so you can snipe him or laser him from afar.

    11 august 2019 21:04 2830

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