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    Rate this article "War Thunder "Tanks are not afraid of dirt""

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    thomas_erdt, 18 august 2017 20:51

    War Thunder "Tanks are not afraid of dirt"

    War Thunder is an online military-themed game dedicated to combat aviation, armored vehicles and the fleet of the Second World War. The player is to take part in the biggest battles on all fronts of combat operations.

    In War Thunder, players are offered various game modes:

    Multiuser session battles are fights, where two teams, each of which from 5 to 16 players are fighting among themselves, performing the assigned tasks - capture of airfields / bases, protection / attack of territories. In addition to completing the task, the fight also ends if one of the teams destroyed all the equipment and / or all the players left the fight.

    Solitary and cooperative missions are fights, where the enemy is a technique controlled by artificial intelligence. The player's task can be as the destruction of all enemy equipment, and the performance of special tasks.

    Events - a type of fighting, where players are given a certain historical event with a fixed choice of equipment.

    All game modes are divided into arcade, simulator and realistic. March 17, 2017 released the patch 1.67 "Storm", named in honor of the new regime - Sturm.

    War Thunder is an online military-themed game dedicated to combat aviation, armored vehicles and the fleet of the Second World War. The player is to take part in the biggest battles on all fronts of combat operations.

    In War Thunder, players are offered various game modes:

    Multiuser session battles are fights, where two teams, each of which from 5 to 16 players are fighting among themselves, performing the assigned tasks - capture of airfields / bases, protection / attack of territories. In addition to completing the task, the fight also ends if one of the teams destroyed all the equipment and / or all the players left the fight.

    Solitary and cooperative missions are fights, where the enemy is a technique controlled by artificial intelligence. The player's task can be as the destruction of all enemy equipment, and the performance of special tasks.

    Events - a type of fighting, where players are given a certain historical event with a fixed choice of equipment.

    All game modes are divided into arcade, simulator and realistic. March 17, 2017 released the patch 1.67 "Storm", named in honor of the new regime - Sturm.

    Air fights:

    • Arcade mode is the easiest to learn. There are: a lead marker, markers above the aircraft, a view from the 3rd person, replenishment of projectiles in flight, a simpler flight model. The fighting is fast and dynamic. It is possible to revive on all planes of the setup for 1 time (2 times, with doubles). Representatives of one nation can get into different teams.
    • The realistic mode is more complicated, suitable for more experienced players. There are: markers above the aircraft, view from the 3rd person. Replenishment of ammunition takes place only at the aerodrome. Only 1 renaissance is available on the airplane that was selected in the hangar. Representatives of one nation can get into one team or split into two.
    • Confrontation (simulator mode) is the most difficult and long regime. View only from the 1st person. Markers are only allied equipment near the player. Only 1 airplane revival is available in the simulator mode, which was selected in the hangar and an unlimited number in the Resistance for Rebirth Points (OB) and Silver Lions. Representatives of one nation fall into one team.

    Tank (joint) battles:
    • A realistic regime, similar to air combat, is more difficult to master. Unlike AB: there are no markers of opponents and armor-piercing, all TTXs correspond to real ones, players for one nation fall into one team, damaged modules fail until completely repaired. You can use your own aircraft. Renaissance is limited not by crew, but by OB (points of rebirth).
    • Arcade mode is the easiest to learn. There are: markers above all tanks, a ballistic indicator and probabilities of penetration, increased speed and maneuverability of tanks, the ability to continue to move after 10 seconds. After engine failure without repair, but with a penalty in power. There are 3 revivals on tanks. In the process of the game, points of revival for aircraft are accumulated, in which the player is given a random aircraft of the selected class suitable for the Combat Rating. Representatives of one nation can get into different teams.
    • Simulator mode in many respects similar to realistic. Unlike the last in the Security Council: the third-person camera is fixed above the tower (commander), the sight is located in accordance with the actual position, there are no markers, the player has only one revival on ground technology (two on light and medium tanks) and One in the air.

    • Storm. Air arcade is the new mode in the game. The bottom line is that a team of players on airplanes of any nation defends its base against alternate invasion of enemy bombers and ground attack aircraft under the control of AI (artificial intelligence). The player can use all the techniques that he took into battle. . Every day for the first game in Sturm the player receives a "Battle Trophy".
    The game lacks the usual health glasses. The damage done to enemy equipment depends on the type of gun and projectile, the hit point and many other parameters. The parameters of the gun itself include such quantities as the spread, as well as the maximum technical rate of the gun. The shells also have different characteristics: mass, caliber, initial speed, fragmentation action, explosion power, etc. When hit, characteristics of various types of materials are taken into account: glass, armored glass, wood, various types of metals, both aviation and tank. For example: 80mm layer of cast armor will be equivalent to approximately 75mm of rolled armor. One of the most important questions is to determine the point of contact with the enemy. If the hit destroys one of the modules of the enemy tank or aircraft, this will immediately affect the combat capability of the enemy's vehicle. In addition, not only the car, but also the crew can suffer. Also in the game there is a system "HULL BREAK" (Destruction of the body) in which the technique that received damage more than the "threshold" is destroyed.

    Rate this article War Thunder "Tanks are not afraid of dirt"

    (3.18/5) 17 rates


    the game is good but not give souls (bug)

    23 august 2017 23:04

    WT is way better than WOT because its more realistic

    21 may 2020 06:51

    very good article.

    9 june 2021 13:11

    the game is nice, but it's kind of hard to play

    25 august 2017 22:18

    very bad game

    23 august 2017 21:29

    I hate this game

    23 august 2017 18:44

    Very detailed article, nice!

    10 february 2020 08:44

    again, nice work... :P

    28 august 2017 15:20

    have playd 50 hours very fun

    28 august 2017 12:09

    I like more WOT than War Thunder

    27 august 2017 22:20