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    Shazcraft Flag my

    3 years ago


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    LaHaD Datu








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    用户和 aweebdapoohus 现在是好友了
    4 years ago
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    用户和 MariaKorr 现在是好友了
    4 years ago
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    获得一个奖励 - P2000 | Turf.
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    the graphic in this game is quite good but i would be more fun if there is no hackers in the game

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    4 years ago

    csgo is a good game but is this true?

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    获得一个奖励 - Random CD-Key.
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago
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    评论的话题 Fortnite/Roblox/Minecraft.
    4 years ago

    Oof, thats a tough choice given the fact that both Minecraft and Roblox are my favorite games but both are very different from each other. I don't play fortnite, to laggy for my PC. I like Roblox because you can interact with other players and play some really cool games such as Arsenal, Mad city, Lomian Legacy, and many more. Minecraft on the other hand is more about creativity. You create your own goals. Either you want to slay a huge dragon and become a hero or you just want to build some stuff in creative. Its up to you do to want you want and there is a seemingly endless amount of mods for the game which can create even more replayability. So on and all I would pick Minecraft.

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    评论的话题 what's your favorite game?.
    4 years ago

    Mad city

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    4 years ago

    Well, I would be playing Mad city, you don't need to have a lot of skill to be good at the game, also the game is fun when your fighting the cops or just killing the heroes to get they're powers. It's also fun when your robbing banks or the other places in the game and exploring the city is cool to.

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    4 years ago

    For me, it would be inconsistency, I quit playing phantom forces a lot of times because of that, also with arsenal. There is a point where I just get knife kills and get headshot all the time then eventually my aim became horrible. Eventually I just learnt how to just have fun.

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    4 years ago

    I hope what I am tranlating is correct
    TRANSLATION:Most of them are bad games. If you have many gems, please try your luck, but if you do not have many gems, please do not buy them. Hope it helps you.

    I hope I got that right since I am using google tranlate, thank you MVP666

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    4 years ago

    Please tell me because when I get to level 3 I going to buy it the random steam key and I want to have an Idea of what I am getting

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    4 years ago

    For me it would be Steam gift cards that use RM, if you don't know what I am talking about let me explain. RM is a type of currency used by us Malaysians. It stands for Ringgit Malaysia and when compared to the US Dollar, you would see that Ringgit Malaysia is 4 time cheaper then US Dollar. That is really cheap given the fact that most games I've seen cost 20-50 Rm per game. But you have to be careful when your using a Malaysian steam gift card outside of Malaysia because from I have heard some of them are region locked.

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    评论的话题 Roblox Developer tip.
    4 years ago

    If you have some developer tips please tell them

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    评论的话题 Roblox Developer tip.
    4 years ago

    When starting out a dev group, try to be more talkative. What I mean by this is that you should go out and find developers, you can do this by using discord, unless your under 13. Sometimes, people come up to me and offer me a spot in said dev group because I was talkative. People like those who are confident. But if you don't to use discord for some reason. Then you should find friends on Roblox. If you see them developing a game then join them. For the most part, there are open to the thought of you being they're developer because no one else would want to help. It worked for me once.

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    评论的话题 Just a tip.
    4 years ago

    I see chest as gambling, yes there is a small chance of getting what you actually want, key word you should note is "SMALL". Most of the time your just gonna be stuck with less then what you payed.

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    4 years ago

    BattleBoards, its basically jelly battle but in roblox.

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    评论的话题 Have roblox ever got hacked?.
    4 years ago

    Well, it depends on what scale, are talking about the whole website then yes, it has been hacked once the only thing I remembered from the site getting hacked is that the hackers added a face titled c:_image




    《坦克世界》是一款让玩家参加巨大的战车大战的在线MMO游戏。游戏里最重要的是合作能力,因为胜利不仅取决于你,而是取决于整个盟军坦克! 它不仅是典型的射击游戏,还包括战略,所以玩家必须证明自己的战术能力。壮观的视觉效果和优美的图像立即将玩家带入战争世界,在这里,对坦克机械的熟悉是胜利的关键。在每次战斗中,我们都可以升级自己的战车,而且游戏开发人员也确保了我们的装备不会受限。对于这类游戏的游戏迷来说,这是个非常有趣的选项。玩家可以征服地图上的省以及新的地区。玩家也必须快速做出能正面影响整个阵型的战术决定!这款游戏一定会吸引战争游戏或战略游戏的粉丝。...


    每个动漫迷都应该知道《死神》!如果你是该系列的粉丝,就绝对必须玩《死神Online》。创建你的角色并完成许多任务,以获得经验并成为最佳的死神!战斗都是回合制的,游戏本身很简单。它包括前往各个指定区域并完成我们收到的任务,而这些任务主要是战斗。在你的冒险之旅中,你会遇到各式各样的敌人和盟友,他们将在旅行中陪伴着你,并与你携手作战。以各种组合建立你的团队 - 后方的支持和前方的战士。从任务中收集独特的物品,这些物品可以被售卖或用于升级你当前的装备。在之后的所有级别中,你都可以解锁新的以及更好的装甲或武器,以变得更强大并且应对越来越强大的对手。所以,不要再等了,加入死神的世界,与所有灵魂进行搏斗并向他们展示你是最厉害的死神!...

    Naruto Online

    Become a ninja now in Naruto Online, a brand new browser (or client) MMORPG licensed by Bandai Namco, where we are able to take part of the epic adventure known from the Masashi Kishimito's manga.In fact, we have a choice between 5 characters with different skills - two young ladies and three guys, each of them having their own ...


    请记得,此优惠仅适用于新用户!在罗布乐思Roblox(一个免费的MMO社交游戏平台)上的任何地方,无论你想做什么,都可以发挥创意,使想象力变为现实!在此游戏中,玩家需要创建自己的虚拟世界和游戏,因为这取决于玩家想要玩什么游戏。而且选择也非常多样,就像创造了所有这些场所的人们的想象力一样!如果有人想知道关于罗布乐思,你应该告诉他们,它是《我的世界》、《乐高》以及《盖瑞模组》的结合体 - 仅此而已,但足以带给玩家很多乐趣。 创造者尽了全力让玩家不感到无聊,因此他们创造了可以给任何人用来创造自己的世界的工具。它们还可以让你修改角色的外表!你可以看起来非常特别;可以换每套服装,如果需要还可以购买更多;你可以改变你的发型甚至是你的身体!不用担心图像,图像似乎有点...


    《创世战车》是一款基于世界末日的MMO动作游戏。它是由著名《战争雷霆》的创作者开发的,它以不同的方式为我们带来了全新的游戏玩法。如果你认为《创世战车》是战争游戏或战争雷霆的另一个版本,那么它将带给你惊喜 - Gaijin确保了通过更改其先前作品中的一些重要方面来给我们不同的感受。最重要的一点是,我们可以修改车辆!玩家可以从数千种不同的零件当中进行选择来从头改造自己的四轮(甚至更多)车辆。忘了那些默认选项吧,这个游戏对汽车和乐高爱好者而言才是真正的享受!你的“汽车”的外观完全取决于你。你想要它有链锯吗?去吧!机关枪?没问题!这种自由使战场上的每辆战车都看起来不一样,也让玩家能完全释放出自己的创造力。当我们谈论到Gaijin的游戏时,我们不能忘记它有先进的...


    记得确认你游戏中的电子邮件地址以获得你的灵魂宝石!《权力的游戏凛冬将至》是一个网页策略游戏,你将在其中竞争维斯特洛的宝座。建立你自己的贵族之家,并带领它在争取王位的斗争中取得胜利。扩大你的堡垒,训练你的军队并指引他们进行战斗。如果你是该节目的粉丝,则可以确保你将在这个宇宙中遇到许多角色。在游戏中,我们可以建立或加入同盟,或与其他玩家对战(玩家vs玩家)并在其中取得胜利,这都多亏了精心设计的策略。不要再等了,立即加入《权力的游戏凛冬将至》! ...

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