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    Описание игры Dragonborn

    Dragonborn is a free browser fantasy MMO game that lets us dive into a world of magic, dragons and battles. The artists of Esprit Games prepared an adventure that fits in the wonderful anime graphics. In this type of games we often have a wide range of classes to choose from, but here we can only choose between the knight and the mage. Decide wisely, as it has a big impact on the end game. The knights specialize in melee combat, while the mages attack from a distance. During our journey we will fight against other players as well as against different demons and monsters. We are to explore numerous dark dungeons and ruins to eliminate dangerous bosses and gain important items. You can buy essential items as well as weapons, armor, and premium currency for gold. The better our equipment and items are, the more effective our hero is.

    The game allows us to set up our team before the fight, so we will never be alone during the difficult battles. We can also hire the mercenaries who will help us in the fight. It is important to say that not only our hero can level up, but also our mercenaries, can advance as a result.

    The gameplay is not difficult, the combat system is very intuitive, simple and recalls such games as Diablo. The game offers a lot of fun both in the PvP battles, PvE missions, as well as in the story mode. However, if you are a hardcore player you should try the Funeral mode where you will find more and more enemies and new rewards like items and boosters.

    Join Dragonborn now!

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    Мнения о Dragonborn

    не когда не игралд стоит пробовать

    14 april 2020 18:39

    Что за игра?

    27 february 2019 18:15

    круто но не очень круто

    28 may 2020 20:19


    24 april 2019 20:29

    Прошел минут за 40, игры интересная но играть в неё я конечно же не буду

    6 august 2018 23:09

    Призы для Dragonborn

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    не когда не игралд стоит пробовать

    14 april 2020 18:39

    Что за игра?

    27 february 2019 18:15

    круто но не очень круто

    28 may 2020 20:19


    24 april 2019 20:29

    Прошел минут за 40, игры интересная но играть в неё я конечно же не буду

    6 august 2018 23:09