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          "contest" => null
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          0 => "*"
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      17 => CaseOpen {#2256
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-26 01:34:01"
          "case_name" => "Duped Chest"
          "case_id" => 48
          "reward_id" => 1267
          "name" => "Runa Tiwaz"
          "url" => "runa-tiwaz"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Duped Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Tiwaz Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Duped Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Tiwaz Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-26 01:34:01"
          "case_name" => "Duped Chest"
          "case_id" => 48
          "reward_id" => 1267
          "name" => "Runa Tiwaz"
          "url" => "runa-tiwaz"
          "other" => 3
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      16 => CaseOpen {#2255
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-26 01:33:42"
          "case_name" => "Clash Chest"
          "case_id" => 44
          "reward_id" => 1264
          "name" => "Runa Ansus"
          "url" => "runa-ansus"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Clash Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Ansus Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Clash Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Ansus Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-26 01:33:42"
          "case_name" => "Clash Chest"
          "case_id" => 44
          "reward_id" => 1264
          "name" => "Runa Ansus"
          "url" => "runa-ansus"
          "other" => 3
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          0 => "*"
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      1 => Notification {#2216
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          0 => "user_id"
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          3 => "type"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:32:28"
          "updated_at" => "2017-08-25 16:32:33"
          "status" => 0
          "shown" => 1
          "sub_target_id" => 0
          "text2" => "Reached 2 level"
        #original: array:9 [
          "id" => 400741
          "user_id" => 274430
          "target_id" => 2
          "type" => 8
          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:32:28"
          "updated_at" => "2017-08-25 16:32:33"
          "status" => 0
          "shown" => 1
          "sub_target_id" => 0
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          "game" => Game {#2221
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "id" => 110353
          "user_id" => 274430
          "text" => "its not common, there is a daily xp limit, for commenting, 10comment/day, u tried to get xp from games?"
          "is_main" => 0
          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
          "updated_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
          "topic_id" => 16669
          "forum_id" => 1628
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          "lang" => "en"
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          "dislikes" => 0
          "edited" => 0
          "spam" => 0
          "deleted_at" => null
          "report" => 0
          "other" => 1
          "text2" => "Commented subject <a href="" class="activity-link">stuck at 2 lvl xq</a>."
        #original: array:17 [
          "id" => 110353
          "user_id" => 274430
          "text" => "its not common, there is a daily xp limit, for commenting, 10comment/day, u tried to get xp from games?"
          "is_main" => 0
          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
          "updated_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
          "topic_id" => 16669
          "forum_id" => 1628
          "deleted" => 0
          "lang" => "en"
          "likes" => 0
          "dislikes" => 0
          "edited" => 0
          "spam" => 0
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          0 => "*"
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:28:11"
          "case_name" => "Marvellous66"
          "case_id" => 46
          "reward_id" => 1283
          "name" => "Fruit Arranger"
          "url" => "fruit-arranger"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Marvellous66"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Fruit Arranger"
          "text2" => "opened Marvellous66 and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Fruit Arranger</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:28:11"
          "case_name" => "Marvellous66"
          "case_id" => 46
          "reward_id" => 1283
          "name" => "Fruit Arranger"
          "url" => "fruit-arranger"
          "other" => 3
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      2 => Notification {#2219
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          "type" => 5
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 14:33:33"
          "updated_at" => "2017-08-25 16:28:33"
          "status" => 0
          "shown" => 1
          "sub_target_id" => 0
          "text2" => "A user and <a href="" class="activity-link"> Kygel</a> are friends now"
        #original: array:9 [
          "id" => 397773
          "user_id" => 274430
          "target_id" => 274969
          "type" => 5
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 14:33:33"
          "updated_at" => "2017-08-25 16:28:33"
          "status" => 0
          "shown" => 1
          "sub_target_id" => 0
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          "contest" => null
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          0 => "*"
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      14 => CaseOpen {#2253
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          0 => "user_id"
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          3 => "user_case_id"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:05:19"
          "case_name" => "Millecinquecento Case"
          "case_id" => 37
          "reward_id" => 1267
          "name" => "Runa Tiwaz"
          "url" => "runa-tiwaz"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Millecinquecento Case"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Tiwaz Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Millecinquecento Case and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Tiwaz Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:05:19"
          "case_name" => "Millecinquecento Case"
          "case_id" => 37
          "reward_id" => 1267
          "name" => "Runa Tiwaz"
          "url" => "runa-tiwaz"
          "other" => 3
        #relations: array:2 [
          "cases" => Cases {#2231
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          0 => "*"
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      13 => CaseOpen {#2252
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          0 => "user_id"
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          3 => "user_case_id"
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        #attributes: array:10 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:05:00"
          "case_name" => "Marvelous Steam Games"
          "case_id" => 41
          "reward_id" => 1294
          "name" => "Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair"
          "url" => "atonement-2-ruptured-by-despair"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Marvelous Steam Games"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair"
          "text2" => "opened Marvelous Steam Games and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:05:00"
          "case_name" => "Marvelous Steam Games"
          "case_id" => 41
          "reward_id" => 1294
          "name" => "Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair"
          "url" => "atonement-2-ruptured-by-despair"
          "other" => 3
        #relations: array:2 [
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            #visible: []
            #appends: []
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            #dates: []
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          "reward" => Reward {#2264
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            #fillable: array:41 [ …41]
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          0 => "*"
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      12 => CaseOpen {#2251
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        #fillable: array:4 [
          0 => "user_id"
          1 => "case_id"
          2 => "reward_id"
          3 => "user_case_id"
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        +timestamps: true
        #attributes: array:10 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:04:33"
          "case_name" => "Marvel Mil"
          "case_id" => 39
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Marvel Mil"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Fehu Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Marvel Mil and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Fehu Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:04:33"
          "case_name" => "Marvel Mil"
          "case_id" => 39
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
        #relations: array:2 [
          "cases" => Cases {#2261
            #table: "cases"
            #fillable: array:19 [ …19]
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            #casts: []
            #touches: []
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          "reward" => Reward {#2262
            #table: "rewards"
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          0 => "*"
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        #touches: []
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      11 => CaseOpen {#2250
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:04:14"
          "case_name" => "Marvelous Cinquecento"
          "case_id" => 35
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Marvelous Cinquecento"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Fehu Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Marvelous Cinquecento and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Fehu Rune</a>."
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:04:14"
          "case_name" => "Marvelous Cinquecento"
          "case_id" => 35
          "reward_id" => 1268
          "name" => "Runa Fehu"
          "url" => "runa-fehu"
          "other" => 3
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          "cases" => Cases {#2259
            #table: "cases"
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            #touches: []
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          "reward" => Reward {#2260
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            #casts: []
            #touches: []
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            #morphClass: null
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          0 => "*"
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        #with: []
        #morphClass: null
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        +wasRecentlyCreated: false
      10 => CaseOpen {#2249
        #table: "case_opens"
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          0 => "user_id"
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        #attributes: array:10 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:03:55"
          "case_name" => "Marvelous Knife"
          "case_id" => 43
          "reward_id" => 289
          "name" => "AWP | Safari Mesh"
          "url" => "awp--safari-mesh"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Marvelous Knife"
          "reward_name_lang" => "AWP | Safari Mesh"
          "text2" => "opened Marvelous Knife and won <a href="" class="activity-link">AWP | Safari Mesh</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:03:55"
          "case_name" => "Marvelous Knife"
          "case_id" => 43
          "reward_id" => 289
          "name" => "AWP | Safari Mesh"
          "url" => "awp--safari-mesh"
          "other" => 3
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          "cases" => Cases {#2257
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          0 => "*"
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        #touches: []
        #observables: []
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      9 => CaseOpen {#2248
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          0 => "user_id"
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          2 => "reward_id"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:02:59"
          "case_name" => "ZebrailTV Mystery Chest"
          "case_id" => 42
          "reward_id" => 1287
          "name" => "Totally Mayhem"
          "url" => "totally-mayhem"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Clash Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Totally Mayhem"
          "text2" => "opened Clash Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Totally Mayhem</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:02:59"
          "case_name" => "ZebrailTV Mystery Chest"
          "case_id" => 42
          "reward_id" => 1287
          "name" => "Totally Mayhem"
          "url" => "totally-mayhem"
          "other" => 3
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          "cases" => Cases {#2213 …24}
          "reward" => Reward {#2206 …24}
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          0 => "*"
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        #dateFormat: null
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      8 => CaseOpen {#2246
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          0 => "user_id"
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        #attributes: array:10 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:02:40"
          "case_name" => "Face Case"
          "case_id" => 36
          "reward_id" => 1280
          "name" => "Santa's Big Adventures"
          "url" => "santas-big-adventures"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Face Case"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Santa's Big Adventures"
          "text2" => "opened Face Case and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Santa's Big Adventures</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:02:40"
          "case_name" => "Face Case"
          "case_id" => 36
          "reward_id" => 1280
          "name" => "Santa's Big Adventures"
          "url" => "santas-big-adventures"
          "other" => 3
        #relations: array:2 [
          "cases" => Cases {#2207 …24}
          "reward" => Reward {#2220 …24}
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          0 => "*"
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      7 => CaseOpen {#2247
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:02:11"
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          "case_id" => 40
          "reward_id" => 1265
          "name" => "Runa Hagl"
          "url" => "runa-hagl"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Rune Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Hagl Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Rune Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Hagl Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:02:11"
          "case_name" => "Rune chest"
          "case_id" => 40
          "reward_id" => 1265
          "name" => "Runa Hagl"
          "url" => "runa-hagl"
          "other" => 3
        #relations: array:2 [
          "cases" => Cases {#2215 …24}
          "reward" => Reward {#2208 …24}
        #visible: []
        #appends: []
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          0 => "*"
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      6 => CaseOpen {#2245
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:01:50"
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          "case_id" => 28
          "reward_id" => 1266
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          "url" => "runa-mannaz"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Mysterious Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Mannaz Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Mysterious Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Mannaz Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:01:50"
          "case_name" => "Tajemnicza Skrzynia"
          "case_id" => 28
          "reward_id" => 1266
          "name" => "Runa Mannaz"
          "url" => "runa-mannaz"
          "other" => 3
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          "cases" => Cases {#2238 …24}
          "reward" => Reward {#2232 …24}
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          0 => "*"
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        #observables: []
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      5 => CaseOpen {#2243
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          0 => "user_id"
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          "case_id" => 28
          "reward_id" => 1266
          "name" => "Runa Mannaz"
          "url" => "runa-mannaz"
          "other" => 3
          "case_name_lang" => "Mysterious Chest"
          "reward_name_lang" => "Mannaz Rune"
          "text2" => "opened Mysterious Chest and won <a href="" class="activity-link">Mannaz Rune</a>."
        #original: array:7 [
          "created_at" => "2017-08-24 03:01:22"
          "case_name" => "Tajemnicza Skrzynia"
          "case_id" => 28
          "reward_id" => 1266
          "name" => "Runa Mannaz"
          "url" => "runa-mannaz"
          "other" => 3
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          "reward" => Reward {#2229 …24}
        #visible: []
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          0 => "*"
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        #touches: []
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        +wasRecentlyCreated: false
  "point_month" => UserPointNew {#2146
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      0 => "user_id"
      1 => "type"
      2 => "points"
      3 => "target_id"
      4 => "sub_target_id"
      5 => "plus"
      6 => "shown"
      7 => "db_ip_id"
      8 => "date"
      9 => "swap"
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    #guarded: array:1 [
      0 => "*"
    #dates: []
    #dateFormat: null
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    #touches: []
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    +exists: true
    +wasRecentlyCreated: false
  "point_all" => UserPointNew {#2148
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      0 => "user_id"
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      7 => "db_ip_id"
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      0 => "*"
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          "forum_id" => 1625
          "created_at" => "2017-08-26 23:26:38"
          "author" => "guillermo_marco"
          "avatar" => "/img/avatar/290470.jpg"
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          "url" => "joe-get-the-coins"
          "forum_id" => 1625
          "created_at" => "2017-08-26 23:26:38"
          "author" => "guillermo_marco"
          "avatar" => "/img/avatar/290470.jpg"
          "experience_id" => 2
          "answers" => 41
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      1 => ForumTopic {#2184
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          "id" => 16669
          "name" => "stuck at 2 lvl xq"
          "url" => "stuck-at-2-lvl-xq"
          "forum_id" => 1628
          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
          "author" => "luka_perišic"
          "avatar" => "/img/avatar/260728.jpg"
          "experience_id" => 6
          "answers" => 7
          "last_post" => ForumPost {#2209 …25}
        #original: array:9 [
          "id" => 16669
          "name" => "stuck at 2 lvl xq"
          "url" => "stuck-at-2-lvl-xq"
          "forum_id" => 1628
          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
          "author" => "luka_perišic"
          "avatar" => "/img/avatar/260728.jpg"
          "experience_id" => 6
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        +wasRecentlyCreated: false
  "friend" => -1
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      1 => User {#2170}
      2 => User {#2162}
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    "icon" => "<svg class="nc-icon change nc-icon-grid-16 success"><use href="/icons/nc-icons.svg#nc-small-triangle-up"/></svg>"
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          "created_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
          "updated_at" => "2017-08-25 16:31:15"
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