AdminJoshverd: Gamba emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: Contact the offerwall's support 
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: get the reward, what did i do wrong?
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: I have a question. I started to play the game called Woody Sort. The first reward apprears when i complete the first hidden game. I completed it but i didn't ge
AdminSwirfty: Meowdy emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: Could someone answer me a question?
AdminJoshverd: Very Cat emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: My pleasure 
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: okay thanks for aswering
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Or the offer may be bugged 
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Maybe you already installed it before
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: But i don't  understand why it not giving me the reward in the monopoly go game if i reached the first step..
AdminJoshverd: It will track automatically and credit you
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: When u play a game, where u need to send the proof to get ur reward?
AdminJoshverd: 1fae1 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: k thanks imma do a offer in a like 5 min
AdminJoshverd: Yes, we hold offers, but those usually are released very quickly.
AdminJoshverd: Redemptions can take a few hours to be approved. We need to verify your offers are legit before approving, which takes time.
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: thats what i like too hear if i do a big offer u guys do hold or no?
AdminJoshverd: Old accounts could not be migrated, unfortunately. The old site was a buggy mess so we're working to build this new platform into something much better.
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Josh what is the approximative time for a withdraw ? Thank you
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: so  does my old account work still bec seems everything is reset
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: thank u for the support!
novice rank iconthe future: how muche  time take the withdraw ?
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: Oh okay, thank u! I had been here but i came back and i didn't know how this work now haha
AdminJoshverd: For now you can get a Visa gift card in most countries, then buy Robux directly with that
AdminJoshverd: soon*
AdminJoshverd: @yorandom1234 we will add Roblox gift cards soo
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: damn this site really changed i like it
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: is there a way to change this for robux or something like that?



si fueran millonarios de robux regalarian robux

marco75421 avatar


September 7, 2019 at 06:10 PM

yo si y ustedes?

joshi0ne avatar


September 7, 2019 at 07:20 PM

Hoy pobre aseguro que si regalaria. Pero habria que ver , si luego millonario , pensaria igual. Yo esperaria que si!!

Hayate5066 avatar


September 7, 2019 at 07:21 PM

Yo si regalaria.

marco75421 avatar


September 7, 2019 at 08:36 PM

yo igual regalaria 10/10



September 7, 2019 at 11:38 PM

yo siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maiker_le avatar


September 8, 2019 at 12:27 AM

Yo Claro Que Si Al Igual Que Yo Otros Necesitan

marco75421 avatar


September 8, 2019 at 03:02 AM

si tienes razon 10/10

diego_marin avatar


September 8, 2019 at 06:16 AM

Claro mano robux pa todos xD

Majitojeje avatar


September 8, 2019 at 07:36 AM

Yo si regalaría ya que no hay que ser egoístas con las demás personas y mas seriamos millonarios de robux mejor

LucaYBorisYT avatar


September 8, 2019 at 07:43 AM

Yo si no soy egoista ademas soy una persona que confia en los demas entonces yo daria a los que mas tengo confianza

trollmaster avatar


September 8, 2019 at 07:50 AM

yo si por que todo el mundo merece tener robux exepto los hackers :rage:

Matterson231 avatar


September 8, 2019 at 05:13 PM

Si fuera millonario en roblox todos los pelo tocinos desaparecerian :v xq le regalaria robux a todos los pobres xd

Mathiax9 avatar


September 8, 2019 at 05:59 PM

claro los regalaria pero no todos por elmenos la la tercera parte de robux

marco75421 avatar


September 8, 2019 at 06:00 PM

yo tambien regalaria

Mathiax9 avatar


September 8, 2019 at 06:01 PM

trollmaster, si hay muchos hackers en roblox ademas ellos si se les da la gana pueden obtener muchos robux

marco75421 avatar


September 9, 2019 at 02:44 AM

tienes razon matias

el_tornado678 avatar


September 9, 2019 at 02:49 AM

no regalaria por que si no me pedirian una y otra y otra vez

marco75421 avatar


September 9, 2019 at 03:04 AM

tambien tienes razon amigo oye me das una idea para crear un articulo de roblox

brianale avatar


September 9, 2019 at 03:29 AM

yo si regalaria robux

aykes0 avatar


September 9, 2019 at 03:37 AM

Regalaría pero a gente que en verdad confio, si regalara robux a lo tonto la gente me vería como "el wey regala-robux" y pues siempre estarian pidiendo.

TFnex avatar


September 9, 2019 at 05:09 AM

si soy millonario porque no, no creo que me moleste dar robux a buena gente

dracogamer5016 avatar


September 9, 2019 at 06:09 AM

yo tambien regalaria robux

AkaGilmour avatar


September 9, 2019 at 10:46 PM

Si tuviera OBC, sí. Crearía un grupo y haría sorteos diarios.

Ryuukiteru avatar


September 14, 2019 at 09:31 AM

Yo si regalaría robux

v9s6a2 avatar


September 15, 2019 at 01:22 AM

yo no daria