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    Rate this article "Top 10 Songs Boss Battle "eccentric" In the J-RPG Game"

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    FarrelwiZ, 12 february 2018 21:25

    Top 10 Songs Boss Battle "eccentric" In the J-RPG Game

    To further reinforce a story or even take us to get into and feel a tone and depiction into a video game, the sound design is an important element that plays a role in the bridge should produce it all. Sure you have so much music of the developers claim that managed to hypnotize us all feeling the joy of playing the game, especially RPG. Although some also deemed to fail either because the quality is missed or felt not quite comfortable when heard by our ears.

    When speaking of music in the context of games J-RPG . Of J-RPG is more widely known as a contributor to the music that it is so artistic, mellow, filled with a variety of unique, and has a strong power in contributing to the quality of the game. Examples can be seen in filmed their music in games like Final Fantasy, Persona, up until the present has been phenomenal as Nier Automata. However, because of the taste, sometimes not all of their original music can be produced perfectly to the listeners.

    Developer RPG games of the land of rising sun is also sometimes likes to experiment with creating a music that is unusual for the player. Usually they try it on a session where we used to fight a boss in games J-RPG. Due to the boss battle is usually more likely to take something special among connoisseurs of J-RPG. Music is arguably somewhat eccentric is certainly gets a variety of different reactions from listeners, whether we like it or vice versa.

    Therefore, this time Gamebrott will provide a list of 10 songs boss battle that we consider to be " unique " or " unusual " to hear. Songs boss battle that we will present this does not mean that the song was good or bad, because those assessments we return it back to you as the listener with musical tastes vary. To shorten the time, let's just take a look the list is:

    1. Legend of Legaia – Songi Battle Theme



    First, we start from one of the game's legendary J-RPG Playstation 1 which was phenomenal in his day, the Legend of Legaia . This game has one of the antagonist character named Songi highly so dispesialkan though she herself was not the figure of the final boss of the game Legend of Legaia.

    Boss battle song, which broadcasts when players face Songi also sound very different than the songs another boss battle in this game. The song has a few elements of heavy metal and rock in it, especially in terms of the dominant tone pedal drum beats. With a fast tempo, atmosphere brought by this song might make us feel pressure from Songi aggressive.

     2. Xenogears – Knight of Fire



    Just like Legend of Legaia, game titled Xenogears also had a legend of his time. This boss battle songs initially sound like a boss battle songs of games J-RPGs in general. But in a pause in the mid part of the song, popping sounds like an announcement that we can listen to the tone of the whisperers. Interestingly, many fans are curious and want to try to solve the mystery of the whispering voice.

    The whispers of songs turned out boss battle Xenogears is sound judgment to a defendant's verdict. Although not necessarily accurate, the lyrics are more or less like this: " Total Sentence imposed Ten Is " (played repeatedly)

    3. Breath of Fire IV – A Warring God



    Boss battle is a special song that will only appear when we play as Fou Lu , not as Ryu. Fight song boss of the game Breath of Fire IV is very sound unusual. Because it has the feel like the song of a fighting game that merged into RPG games.

    For the uninitiated Breath of Fire is a RPG game produced by Capcom. It could be possible Capcom with Street Fighter inspired to create the song.

    4. Legend of Dragoon – Boss Battle 3



    Still remember the Legend of Dragoon ? A PS1 game that could be considered at that time the closest competitors of Final Fantasy VIII because both have 4 discs in a single game? The third boss battle songs in this game we think has the feel of a very mysterious. Some also there who think that this song gives an impression of a rather spooky regardless Legend of Dragoon game itself is not a horror RPG game.

    5. Koudelka – Patience & Kiss Twice




    PS1 is the last game that we provide in this list, namely Koudelka . Although this game is an RPG game Horror, but the final boss song in Koudelka here it actually feels very strange. Surprisingly not because it's too spooky or have tones that smelled jumpscare excessive, but because of the relationship with the boss monster theme song in the game Koudelka is not at all in sync , especially if it is classified as a final boss.

    If we imagine being chased by creepy creatures like in the video thumbnail at the top, and when we are forced to fight, appears a song back sound that makes us less afraid with horror given tension in the game. So yes, like that song Koudelka final boss in this game.

    6. Final Fantasy X-2 – Let Me Blow You a Kiss



    Final Fantasy series is known as the most feminine, Final Fantasy X-2 also has an interesting song that is really dedicated to certain characters, such as Leblanc and his two sons . Leblanc is an enemy that must be faced by Yuna and her friends at the beginning of the game.

    Songs fight against Leblanc has a feel somewhat girlies coupled with a touch of music oriental contemporary in it. It seems that perhaps many women gamers who love and enjoy this song when playing Final Fantasy X-2.

    7. (Dot)Hack Infection – Skeith Battle Theme



    Actually, this game has quite a lot of songs that are quite unique boss fight because the concept of retro and online gaming world that brought .hack very very fresh at all of its time when it was released on the PS2. But it seems the song of Skeith this is one of the songs of the most memorable boss battle in the world .hack.

    This song while in general brings a retro theme, but the impression of serious and high blood pressure that so haunt us in the fight against Skeith as the final Boss in  .hack Infection really is not left on this track. Plus boss, according to many gamers are known as one of the most difficult final boss is defeated in the history of the J-RPG game. So you could say that this is a song that can give you a nightmare when playing .hack.

    8. Persona 5 – River in the Desert



    What if the western pop songs explicitly used as a boss battle song battle? Shoji Meguro, through its Persona franchise is fond of experimenting to create a song that he adjust to the times. In the game Persona 5 , there is a boss battle nuanced pop songs of western special only could we hear today against bosses at the end of the game, including the secret boss like Justine and Caroline above.

    The song is titled River in the Desert is a little reminiscent of the song commonly sung by Beyonce, especially with the high tone and feel jock you when listening to the song. But this song is actually sung by a singer from Japan named Lyn Inaizumi. He himself had long cooperated with Shoji Meguro in creating cool tunes other Persona franchise.

    9. Star Ocean Till the End of Time – Bitter Dance



    From the pop song we now turn to a hip-hop song. Star Ocean 3  times a song has a highly eccentric boss battle as it takes elements of hip-hop in their songs. Even most of the lyrics in the form of "Work that body, work that body" actually is taken from the lyrics of the song Space Jam. So maybe you could say that the composer of this game is fond remixed lyrics other western komposisikan in such a way that he had to create a song that is really not the ordinary.

    This boss battle songs could you have encountered in the disc 2 in this game, most can you hear when you've reached the Sphere Company . Most players reportedly did exist were not like this boss battle songs, because they usually do not hear songs like this in RPG games. But if you are a person who likes to party, it looks like you will definitely like to listen to the song boss battle, titled Bitter Dance this.

    10. Shadow Hearts: Covenant – Battle with the Fallen Angel



    Wah apparently we should be proud to see the songs of our beloved country actually glance to be treated as a special remix song in a fight Yuri Volte Hyuga  cs against Astaroth in game Shadow Hearts: Covenant. By chanting the lyrics " let's compile, lotus, lotus flower ," boss battle song is obviously taken from one of the songs dangdut melayu creation Hussein Bawafie  entitled Seroja. Perhaps for the uninitiated, this song was popularized by Said Effendi in 1960 up by dangdut singer Iis Dahlia in the 90s.

    Although Indonesia remixed song, the composer still does not eliminate the elements of the archipelago strong culture of this song. Visible in the beginning of the song we heard the sound of chanting angklung so wonderful to decorate all the songs, not forgetting the classic dangdut nuances that might make us all keen to reminisce together.

    After seeing our list above, actually there are many songs boss battle "eccentric" others who have not been known. But if you did in fact have the songs unique boss battle others out of the list that we provide, there is no harm in anyway to share them with us all here.

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