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    Rate this article "Smite - Guide to Conquest - Finding Your Place"

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    xqdele, 5 december 2017 13:45

    Smite - Guide to Conquest - Finding Your Place

    Speak ali, I am the xqdele and today I will be bringing you a post totally aimed at beginners Smite, presenting the principles of the current goal and the basic strategies for the Conquest game mode. Well, without further ado, come on.

    -> Finding Your Place

    Something very common in any new Smite player when venturing into a Conquest is a complete sense of "what am I doing here? What do I have to do here? "And this is even more evident when he has to leave the base and go to his lane, but he simply does not know what his is, after all in Smite we have neither top nor bot, very much less a clear notion of left and right lanes since this always changes according to the side you started the match (blue / order or red / chaos). But do not be scared, it's actually quite easy to know what the floor lane is and what ADC lane is supported (I'll explain further the positions throughout this post).

    -> Where should I go?

    If they perceive well there is a difference in the distance between the towers of each side. This distance characterizes the Long Lane, where the ADC with the support goes, and the Short Lane where the ground goes. Obviously the remaining lane is mid and the rest of the map consists of the jungle that has buffs camps, exp camps, Gold Fury and Fire Giant, which are in short overall goals and need to be protected / achieved.

    -> Getting Started

    Now that we have a notion of the map in general, it is time to understand the types of gods so we finally know where we can go with them.

    ♦ Warrior: Melees deities (basic attack close) of physical damage that maintains their potential high throughout the game, balancing defense and damage and, in some cases, high mobility.

    ♦ Assassin: They are gods of physical damage, specialized in causing great damage in a short time, that is, they attack their opponent as fast as possible, always trying to kill them before they can react, but they are quite fragile ( squishies).

    ♦ Mage: They are magic damage gods, with ranged attack, focused on dealing a lot of damage on a combo of abilities but are very fragile.

    ♦ Guardian: They are gods with one of the most fundamental roles of the game, tankar, which is nothing less than being able to withstand the damage of enemies and not die easily. Focused on defense and with high capacity of CC but still capable of causing some damage.

    ♦ Hunter: They are the gods of physical damage at a distance. They have a weak game start and a reasonable way but at the end of the game they will be dealing an absurd damage from a safe distance.
    Now we will see exactly where on the map each one will have to go, since being a MOBA is essential for the victory a total cooperation of the team.

    Smite's current goal is to:

    ♦ Short Lane - A Warrior, Wizard or Assassin. (It is not very advantageous that jungle and solo laner are killers).

    ♦ Jungle - Preferably a killer, but some warriors like Tyr and Osiris or Mages like Freya can also do the jungle without problems.

    ♦ Mid - A Mage is advisable.

    ♦ Long Lane - The lane consists of a Hunter (ADC) and a Guardian (support).

    -> Vision

    A key point in any MOBA and that is no different (it's even more important) in Smite is the issue of vision. By the camera of Smite being in third person it is not possible to see what is behind you, therefore often you will be susceptible to be gankado by the jungler or mid enemy, to avoid this is fundamental the use of wards, that often will save your life and an ally allowing the mini-map view of enemies to pass through them. Wards or Watchers are consumable items. Normal costs 50 gold and can see enemies, the most complex (Sentry or Sentry of Protection) costs 150 gold and you can see other enemy guards!

    -> Communication

    As already said, any MOBA is a game that depends on the interaction between players of the same team so that a strategy that leads to victory is achieved. In this way communication is essential so that nobody gets "lost" during the call of a team fight for example. Smite, has a great system of fallacious pre-established through commands of type VFF (without being in the chat of the game) and although there are many different commands it is necessary minimally the commands VFF, VGG and VRR that respectively warn that an enemy disappeared, that you will gankar and that is for an ally to back off. Always remember that the more commands you can use the better!

    But just as a good communication can lead you to victory, a lack of communication or an offensive communication (trash talk) will only result in harm to your team, so if there is any annoying situation, try to keep it for yourself and do not demonstrate this by writing in chat, that motivates people to improve, because they certainly know that they have made a mistake.

    With friends, you can use the Curse program. It's simple, light and still automated with the game, you can check it out by clicking here.

    -> Hands of Gods or Ira of the Gods (HoG)

    Finally, I would like to comment on the importance since active item that is of paramount importance in the game: Hands of Gods. In order to be aware of the importance since item we start with the jungle. The jungle needs the HoG to quickly finish the jungle monsters. The HoG is also essential in laner and support grounds as they make it easier to get blue buffs without losing much life at the beginning of the game. Otherwise, if both evolve the HoG to the Fist of Gods will have one more STUN in AREA and they will be able to clean waves of minions very quickly while advancing in the enemy without worrying about having to tank the minions, which in the beginning of the game is highly inappropriate .

    So brackets and solo laners, make your HoG and up as soon as possible, it's not waste of money, quite the opposite!

    Who knows now you're not a little bit closer to becoming a Master in the League of Conquest?

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    Ohh Smite is very very good game kawaii skin and Voice Pack God.

    1 november 2018 20:36


    20 february 2020 02:58