Many argue about what the best part of being a pirate is. Is it fighting other pirates with your trusty cutlass? Is it finding your way through ancient caverns by lamplight, digging up long-lost treasures? Or is it raising a frothing great tankard of grog when you live to tell the tale? Well in this game, it's all of them.
Sea of Thieves is a great game that's even greater with friends, from fighting hoards of cursed skeleton pirates to digging for treasure chests that contain a pile of gold, this game has it all. If you're looking for a game that captures the fun and excitement of being a pirate from long ago. You have a choice of three ships, a sloop (Recommended for 2 players [sometimes 1]), a brigantine (Recommended for 3 players), and a galleon (Recommended for 4 players), and two crew types, open and closed. As if that wasn't already pretty exciting, this game is open world with open multiplayer, meaning that you can meet other players in other crews while you're on your adventures, and to make it even better, there's proximity chat (you can speak to other crews if you're close enough).
This game is definitely better with people to play with, and even if your friends can't be those people, you can have a crew. You can either choose an open crew which will automatically matchmake you, or you can join the official Sea of Thieves discord and ask for people to sail with. If you don't have a microphone to use for communication, you can simply use the text chat which can be accessed by pressing T (on PC) for custom chat and holding E (on PC at the time of writing) for quick chat so you can communicate in dangerous situations.
For people who like a linear storyline to follow, there are the tall tales. There is the main storyline of the Shores of Gold and 2 side tales to do with the fearsome King Flameheart. And once you've completed all of them, you can go back and do them all again to get awesome cosmetics for your ship and character.
For people who worry about money, there is no pay to win in this game, and while there are micro-transactions, the in-game currency you can buy with real money can also be earned by killing Ancient Skeletons. The game is also extremely repayable, with almost monthly updates and a set of quests know as Bilge Rat adventures. These include hunting Megaladons and Krakens.
While you're not off fighting with other players to take their loot, you'll be mainly occupied by the 3 main trading companies which will require you to collect a large range of items in order to level up. These companies are the Gold Hoarders who seek the many chests buried through the land, the Order of Souls who seek the skulls of cursed captains, and the Merchant Alliance, who seek a variety of strange and exotic objects. One you've reached level 50 in all 3 companies, you will achieve pirate legend and discover the secret of Athena's Fortune.
Ultimately, Sea of Thieves is a great game that I would recommend to just about anyone, especially people who have friends who will play with them.